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  1. artemk

    Think My Clownfish are fighting!!!!!!

    Is it possible that two of my clowns could be fighting? Well, I think the bigger one is bullying the smaller one. I got them at the same time, like 3 months ago, and never seen them do that before. The one will start swimming really fast towards the second one and sort of ram in in the side from...
  2. artemk

    55 Gallon Build Thread! Will Need some advice/tips along the way!

    Sorry, spelled it wrong. I meant Nitrite/Nitrate!
  3. artemk

    55 Gallon Build Thread! Will Need some advice/tips along the way!

    Just wanted to do a little update! My fish are all in the DT now and are doing GREAT!!! They are so happy wil all that water to swim around in!! The Yellowfin loves the rock work, and has a few goto hiding spots! The parameters are all good and zeros, so thats good. Probably thinking of getting...
  4. artemk

    Bow Front vs Flat Front

    When you guys talk about achieving the "perfect flow" what does that mean?? I have a 55G and have two powerheads. One is on the left side going across (long) to the right side (1025 gph) , and the second one (425 gph) is set on the back wall, right side of the tank blowing to the front. Both are...
  5. artemk

    Skimmer HELP!

    Yes, the micro bubble seem to be going away with time. I will set the foam so that none reaches the collection cup for a day or two. How do I know that the skimmer has been "broken in"?
  6. artemk

    Skimmer HELP!

    So I just installed the PSK-100H skimmer, and I am very confused. Its releasing a lot of micro bubbles into my DT. The instructions say that I should have the foam piece thats supposed to be blocking them 1/2 inch ABOVE (?) my water level?? I feel like if I do that I would have 50 gallons in my...
  7. artemk

    Company sent me wrong Skimmer. Can an In-Sump be used as a HOB skimmer?

    I dont have room for a sump, or else I would make one!
  8. artemk

    Company sent me wrong Skimmer. Can an In-Sump be used as a HOB skimmer?

    The company sent me the wrong skimmer. Its an In-Sump one. PSK75 ESHOPPS to be exact. I was wondering if you guys think that I could use it as a HOB somehow or should I send it back?? I dont have a skimmer in my DT, and just put 2 clowns from the QT in last night...
  9. artemk

    Angel and Anemones??

    right on! thank you for the feedback. considering my light situation and tank size (55G), what kind of corals would I be able to keep in there? I also have a 9W LED light on my QT that I can move to one side of the DT (Its only 24" long) and has 9 bulbs, 6 White, 3 Blue, each 1 Watt.
  10. artemk

    Angel and Anemones??

    Really?? How much light do they need? What about Xenias??
  11. artemk

    Angel and Anemones??

    I have a T5 HO fixture, 2 bulbs X 54W each (Aquatic Life brand).
  12. artemk

    Distilled vs DI water????

    Which one is better to use and why??? Distilled water or De-Ionized water??? Or any other water?
  13. artemk

    Angel and Anemones??

    I have a yellowfin angel and two clown currently in my QT. I am getting ready to move them to my 55G display that has great water flow. I wanted to know if I can purchase an anemone and put it in the 55G. I know that the clowns are ok for them, but what about the angel??? Thanks!
  14. artemk


    Hmmmmm. I really want to know which snails laid those eggs (if they are eggs) then..
  15. artemk

    55 Gallon Build Thread! Will Need some advice/tips along the way!

    I straight fed tiny pieces of Garlic to the Angel, and the clowns ate some too. I did this for about 1 week, everyday. They came to love it, especially the Angel, and now go crazy for it!! Def a great supplement of vitamins and a way to cure illnesses. +1 on the garlic. For the movement, I meant...
  16. artemk

    55 Gallon Build Thread! Will Need some advice/tips along the way!

    So my Angel in my HT has been cured this past sunday! Im in the middle of raising the SG very slowly (went up .05 in 3 days) until I get it to the same level as my DT. I am using DI water for the water changes to bring up the SG. If everything goes to plan, I should be moving my angels to the DT...
  17. artemk

    tank stocking

    Regular latex gloves?? I don't even need to rinse them off or anything?
  18. artemk

    Help with ID snail/slugs

    Thanks for the ID. Just did some quick reading, and apparently I witnessed 3 of them spawning just about an hour ago. Had no idea what they were doing, just saw "smoke" like stuff burst out into the water. Now i know what it was. Love this hobby!!
  19. artemk

    Help with ID snail/slugs

    1st picture, its on the left. Has no shell, but something purplish on top of it.
  20. artemk


    They are snail eggs. Just noticed 3 or 4 tiny snails crawling on the side of the rocks and the tank. So cool!!! I am not sure what the snails are called tho. Here are a few pictures if you can help with ID.