Think My Clownfish are fighting!!!!!!


Is it possible that two of my clowns could be fighting? Well, I think the bigger one is bullying the smaller one. I got them at the same time, like 3 months ago, and never seen them do that before. The one will start swimming really fast towards the second one and sort of ram in in the side from time to time...
What should I do?!?!?

bang guy

Sounds to me like a bonded pair. The female will often bully the male to prevent him from becomming female.


They're forming a little pair. It's just like humans, I beat on my husband to make him obey, LOL


Ok, I just came home from a 2 day business trip, and I think the fighting has gotten worse. The male looks terrified, and has notable marks on him, and one of his fins looks like it took a beating a little.
I don't know what I should do?? I don't want one of my clowns to kill the other one

Please help!


No they haven't yet. Its been about 10 days or more now. I have 2 ocellaris clowns that I got together about 4 months ago. They lived in a 14 gallon tank for about 2.5 and I recently (1.5 months) moved them and the yellow fin angel into my 55 gallon. I have never seen they fight before, but now its a constant thing. Its more of bullying than fighting because the male seems to just get bullied and doesn't fight back. I just hope the female hasn't turned on him...


If one of the clownfish has marks on really should separate them......sometimes they will not ever mate....I had 2 like almost got beat to death before I took it out


Where do I put him?? Give him back to the LFS?? I have 3 chromis in my QT at the moment that went in today..
You really think they won't stop meowzer?? They have been together for months...and just now they started to act up..


I can't answer that cause you never know.....Mine were in the 54G for a year.....all of a sudden they started fighting, and as I said.....I had to separate them or the male surely would have been killed
I thought you had a 14G tank too? the fish would be better off in the qt....or yes.....give him away. can separate them and later re-introduce them.....SOMETIMES


I see. Yes, I have a 14G which is set up as a QT, and a 55G DT.
I will give it another day or two and see if she stops being like this to him. If not, I will have to give him away to the LFS because I already have 3 chromis in the QT, so theres little room.


I have the lights on from 4PM-10PM as is to cut down on some allege. Should I keep them off for a whole day??
And no, I haven't tried the rocks yet. Maybe I should do that.


A few little tricks....when you see them fighting...turn the lights off.....(don't think it needs to be all day)
It can't hurt to try the works with some things, AND it seems like you are almost out of options


just rearranged some of the rocks and turned off the lights until tomorrow morning. hopefully it will work! Thanks for the tips!!


New Member
I have a pair of maroons that did the exact same as yours. They are becoming a pair. If the male survives which he should then they'll be as happy as a married couple..... LOL. The way I see it is just let nature take its course. Good luck.