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  1. lefty

    I've been cleaned

    I live in a residence hall and it is always a bit of a joke with my floor where I ask them if they want to stick their hand in my fish tank and have my cleaner shrimp clean it for them. Most of them describe the shrimp as "creepy" and 95% of them refuse to, though I have had a couple takers...
  2. lefty

    Internal Filter Recommendations

    Hello everyone, Unfortunately, I have an Eclipse 3 hood on my tank and have long since gotten rid of the biowheel and put a bag of chemipure in its place. I also use a polyfilter in place of the overpriced carbon cartridges that go into the other filtration area. This set up seems to work well...
  3. lefty

    Feeding isssues.. please help

    Fish can go a relatively long time without being fed and still be fine, though it's not exactly recommended. In the future I would try and plan to have someone feed them for you :joy: -lefty
  4. lefty

    What to feed my fish.

    Are you sure that is what Beatlesfan meant? It sounds like they might just be giving a list of what fish they're going to get once the tank is set up and they want to know ahead of time what to feed. -lefty
  5. lefty

    Fish Recommendations

    Oh, and I would also like to add a Firefish to my list of potential fish. I had one once, but only for a month and it was in a QT the whole time (he didn't make it...I've had a vendetta against ***** ever since) so I don't know how well one would interact with my clown. They seem to be a bit...
  6. lefty

    Fish Recommendations

    Originally Posted by TeresaQ when adding your first new fish, it might be good to move things in the tank a little. if she has a fav rock, move it to the side a little. be sure to keep your lights off for a while too. I think all of the rocks (and the entire tank for that matter) are her...
  7. lefty

    Fish Recommendations

    Thanks for the suggestions so far everyone. Right now I am thinking about one of the following fish: Purple Pseudochromis Yellow Watchman Blue Neon Goby Yellow or Black Clown Goby I want to stress the importance of the new fish getting along with my female clown. Like I said, she is somewhat...
  8. lefty

    Fish Recommendations

    Hello everyone, I have a 20g long with one female ocellaris clownfish and a cleaner shrimp (both are about two years old). Two nights ago, the male clownfish passed away. I don't really want to get another clownfish to replace him. Will the female be alright without another clown around? She is...
  9. lefty

    Clownfish Won't Stop Swimming

    Originally Posted by bigarn even if they were just a bonded pair, one would miss the other. she should settle down in time though. Thanks everyone. I feel a bit better knowing she'll be alright. Perhaps I will try moving the rocks around to see if it helps. :happyfish -lefty
  10. lefty

    New here

    Hello :joy:
  11. lefty

    Fish Recommendations

    Anyone have any recommendations? :joy:
  12. lefty

    Clownfish Won't Stop Swimming

    Anyone else?
  13. lefty

    Clownfish Won't Stop Swimming

    Originally Posted by saltn00b clownfish will usually find a location to be their territory, and sleep their at night. it could be an anenome or pipe return or a corner of rocks. IME clowns dont stop swimming, unlike anthias or some other fish that might perch in between rocks at night. Clowns...
  14. lefty

    Clownfish Won't Stop Swimming

    Hello again everyone, I lost one of my ocellaris clownfish last night. If you are interested in reading more about his condition, you can find it in this thread: Since his passing, the other clownfish has been acting oddly. She is...
  15. lefty

    Fish Recommendations

    Hello everyone, I have a 20g long with one female ocellaris clownfish and a cleaner shrimp (both are about two years old). Last night, the male clownfish passed away. I don't really want to get another clownfish to replace him. Will the female be alright without another clown around? She is a...
  16. lefty

    Lost Sense of Smell?

    Originally Posted by sepulatian Yep, I realy wouldn't bother with the bottled stuff though, do you know how to do the fresh garlic? If not, Beth has it posted in the disease faq up top, or I can copy and paste it for you. I do have some bad news. He passed away last night. The female was being...
  17. lefty

    Lost Sense of Smell?

    So it is unusual but not impossible. Well that's good, I don't sound completely crazy then. In the past I have added garlic to their food and they honestly did not seem to act any different or more excited to eat. I was planning on picking some up next time I'm at the store though. It definitely...
  18. lefty

    Lost Sense of Smell?

    Originally Posted by xDave After 2 years suddenly getting bored with his food doesn't sound logical. It does sound like a sight problem, with the bumping into things and only going after food on the surface. His eyes wouldn't necessarily appear any different. You could get a tank divider and...
  19. lefty

    Lost Sense of Smell?

    I did not imply that I still think he has lost his sense of smell. It was my first speculation, not a statement of a belief, and I have not considered it since reading your first post about it. I was merely saying that the water parameters are not causing his behavior.
  20. lefty

    Lost Sense of Smell?

    Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: Close to zero pH: 8.0-8.2 Temperature: 82 Salinity: 35 ppt My water parameters are not the issue. My other clown is doing perfectly well, as is my cleaner shrimp. I'm not new to the hobby, although I suppose it is wise to consider all of the variables. :joy: