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  1. 6stokes

    Moving a Pistol Shrimp to a new tank

    I know your pressed for time, but if he gets hungry enough, he'll go in the trap. Are there other fish in the tank and he's getting fed that way? I'm stumped if so. Only way I know is to remove the rock work.
  2. 6stokes

    Moving a Pistol Shrimp to a new tank

    Did you try the inverted coke bottle half with food in it?
  3. 6stokes

    ick or tiny air bubbles?

    I'm pretty sure the bubbles can get caught in a fishes gill and kill it. I think larger bubbles may be okay, but someone else should clarify.
  4. 6stokes

    Mega-Powerful Nitrate and Phosphate Remover Replaces Skimmer, Refugium, Everything

    This may have already been asked, but could you put the screen in your display before cleaning it to let the fish eat the algea? It would seem if they can eat any growing in the display, then this should be harmless too. Does it release the nitrates back into the water?
  5. 6stokes

    Leather coral problem or fish problem?

    I added a javanese damsel and a sailfin tang. I think it may be the damsel, as he is for sure doing a lot of sand rearrangement. I'm pretty sure he uses his mouth to blow the sand causing crazy sand storms. If you think it's him, I'll solve two problems in one post...
  6. 6stokes

    Leather coral problem or fish problem?

    Do you think I have a fish that is nibbling on this leather? I know it's not the clowns, as they've used this coral as a host for about eight years. I did add a couple new fish recently, but can't seem to catch anyone in the act.
  7. 6stokes

    Pod question

    Thanks Bang Guy! You've always been THE MAN!
  8. 6stokes

    Pod question

    Yes, amphi or copepods. Thanks for the answer meowzer. Since all of my parameters are good and I still see a few of these occasionally, I think I will go ahead and place my order for a new mandarin. It would make sense that they molt every now and then, but not 100% sure.
  9. 6stokes

    Pod question

    Bump, anyone?
  10. 6stokes

    New Reef Tank Parameters

    Calcium is too low, but yes DKH is okay for now. The DKH and Ph will be affected by changing your calcium levels.
  11. 6stokes

    Pod question

    I recently upgraded from a glass 135 gallon to the same in acrylic. Unfortunately my water quality went south before I was able to switch things over and I lost several of my fish and almost lost some coral. Good news is that the coral (bubble) is coming back nicely. My question is this: do...
  12. 6stokes

    Mega-Powerful Nitrate and Phosphate Remover Replaces Skimmer, Refugium, Everything

    Originally Posted by SantaMonica Flow looks good. However, you need to re-build, using plastic canvas; screen divider does not work. Then, you need to get some light on it; whatever light you are using now is a non-light. Quick guideline: 0.5 actual (not equivalent) fluorescent watts per gallon...
  13. 6stokes

    Mega-Powerful Nitrate and Phosphate Remover Replaces Skimmer, Refugium, Everything

    Thank you very much, that helps a lot!
  14. 6stokes

    Mega-Powerful Nitrate and Phosphate Remover Replaces Skimmer, Refugium, Everything

    This is at about three weeks since first installed.
  15. 6stokes

    Help with green toadstool

    It looks fine to me. Mine go through cycles like this all the time, but never stay closed for more than about a week. And Meowzer is right, they shed a layer of skin-like material when they do this.
  16. 6stokes

    System Crashing??

    Forgot to address your electrical question. I'm not sure stray voltage will actually kill them unless it's pretty high voltage, but it is extremely irritating to them and could cause stress. Sounds like a jet airplane taking off to them 24/7. Do you have a way to check it? If you don't have...
  17. 6stokes

    System Crashing??

    Do you run carbon once in a while? Your RO/DI unit won't always catch all of the clorine or cloramine. Also, do you have a deep sand bed? If you stir up the sand in a deep bed it will release toxic gas that will kill a fish or two within 24 hours.
  18. 6stokes

    Mega-Powerful Nitrate and Phosphate Remover Replaces Skimmer, Refugium, Everything

    Okay, but what I mean is the hard greens and reds, not the turf like stuff.
  19. 6stokes

    Mega-Powerful Nitrate and Phosphate Remover Replaces Skimmer, Refugium, Everything

    This question may have been answered, but too many pages now... I wondered if there's a problem with my screen getting a lot of macro algea instead of the micros? Could my water be too clean?