Pod question


I recently upgraded from a glass 135 gallon to the same in acrylic. Unfortunately my water quality went south before I was able to switch things over and I lost several of my fish and almost lost some coral. Good news is that the coral (bubble) is coming back nicely.
My question is this: do pods shed an exoskeleton? I've seen lots of them in my display, but none seem to be moving. One of the fish I lost was a mandrin goby. Had him for eight years.
I want to get another one, but not until I'm confident that I've got a good population of pods.
All readings are under control now with nitrates at 2ppm and moving closer to zero everyday.


If you are talking amphipods, I also see a lot of what looks like empty shells periodically....not sure it is shedding, or if they just look like that when they die though


Yes, amphi or copepods. Thanks for the answer meowzer. Since all of my parameters are good and I still see a few of these occasionally, I think I will go ahead and place my order for a new mandarin. It would make sense that they molt every now and then, but not 100% sure.