I recently upgraded from a glass 135 gallon to the same in acrylic. Unfortunately my water quality went south before I was able to switch things over and I lost several of my fish and almost lost some coral. Good news is that the coral (bubble) is coming back nicely.
My question is this: do pods shed an exoskeleton? I've seen lots of them in my display, but none seem to be moving. One of the fish I lost was a mandrin goby. Had him for eight years.
I want to get another one, but not until I'm confident that I've got a good population of pods.
All readings are under control now with nitrates at 2ppm and moving closer to zero everyday.
My question is this: do pods shed an exoskeleton? I've seen lots of them in my display, but none seem to be moving. One of the fish I lost was a mandrin goby. Had him for eight years.
All readings are under control now with nitrates at 2ppm and moving closer to zero everyday.