Search results

  1. smork81

    Emergency PLZ help! Maroon pair spawning What do i do??

    Well looks like through the night they ate most of them or wither they were dead anyway. there is not many on the rock anymore though. Im still reading though and seeing if i cant hatch some from this first spawn in about 5 days. %Thanks Bang guy for the info and thank you everyone else. I...
  2. smork81

    Emergency PLZ help! Maroon pair spawning What do i do??

    ive looked and scanned over the archives about the one big thread of someone being really succesfull breading these guys but it really doesnt go inot enough detail that im looking for. Ever since i noticed they started laying and spawning iv been looking everywhere for far all i can...
  3. smork81

    Emergency PLZ help! Maroon pair spawning What do i do??

    I do have phyto plankton and frozen brine but no rotifers. I have plenty of tanks set up and established with just plants in them and tons of pods...Would the fry be able to hatch in a tank with plants and pods?? i can get teh rotifers. i do have the means to do all this i just need to know...
  4. smork81

    Emergency PLZ help! Maroon pair spawning What do i do??

    Bump..Anyone have any advice for me now to either move the rock or what? plz I want to get these babies the greatest care if can.
  5. smork81

    Emergency PLZ help! Maroon pair spawning What do i do??

    I have a pair of maroon stripe clowns and they are in a 55g established tank. They host a large carpet anemone. Last night they started laying eggs on the underside of a rock above the carpet anemone. I have all kinds of creatures in this tank..snails crabs clams other fish the little timy...
  6. smork81

    WTB Gold stripe maroon clown pair.

    Im in mississippi I have a pair of them ive had about 6 months. They have not spawned. Also they have a 14 inch hadonni carpet anemone they host. I haven't shipped fish before so it would depend on your location and a possible pick up. Nika
  7. smork81

    Sundial snails and white layer covering zoas

    I tried scraping off the bad parts...they smelled horrible allready dead smelling. I too the ones that were open only and did a freshwater dip i dont have any iodine..And it still got to the colony that i fragged off and diped. The only thing i have is methylene blue ive used it on fish but...
  8. smork81

    Sundial snails and white layer covering zoas

    OK i remembered a pic of the sundial snails from this board and caught 2 in my zoas and took them out of course. Noe the weird thing is I've ahd this whitish stuff covering my zoas that have died. It was some that were shipped to me and they never opened, developed more white layers of this...
  9. smork81

    WTS finger leather frags

    Originally Posted by joelk835 Might be interest depending on shipping. Shipping quote for big piece to zip code 65803? Shipping depending on the weight will be $5.00 to $7.00 2 day priority overnight express would be $20.00 to $25.00 USPS for both Heat packs arent included in shipping but...
  10. smork81

    WTS finger leather frags

    heres hte pics...I just moved it to get a better picture so all of the polyps went in and he started drooping...But normally hes all perky with good polyp extension..
  11. smork81

    Need plants for small Refugium

    Im in Misissippi,, i have about 6 different kinds of macros i could sell you...lmk if your interested.
  12. smork81

    zoas for sale

    Ive got about 100 polyps of these zoas for sale..1.50 per polyp on the pink looking ones these are very large polyps they have kind of a pinkish teal center with brownish pink skirts... the ones that are mounted on the dead plate coral are 24.00 they have 20+ heads on it and are very large...
  13. smork81

    WTS finger leather frags

    I have a huge finger leather and i am going to be trimming it back a bit. I can sell a frag of about 1-3 inches..1 inch 9.00 2 inch 12.00 3 inch 15.00 plus shipping
  14. smork81

    Variety pack of macros for sale

    I have chate 3 types of caulerpa(sawblade. grape and the normal feather) Baby shaving brush sprouts and halimedea. I can do a mixture of all these in a sandwich bag full for 25.00 shipped. you will get all of the above mentioned in your bag.
  15. smork81

    WTS or trade Yellow/red gorgonian frags

    I can do a pack of all three gorgonians red yelow and purple for 40.00 plus shipping. 6 inches og the purple 4 inches of the yelllow and 1 inch if the red cause i dont have much of the red left.
  16. smork81

    FS or trade Purple Gorgonian, Sea Whip, Purple blade

    I will now take 1.75 per inch of the gorgonian.
  17. smork81

    Ricordia frag time is near!

    Originally Posted by Flricordia None for sale. Sorry. I am stingy with my zoanthids. Trust me he isn't lying when he says he stingy with his Zoanthids or the yumas!!! Originally Posted by Flricordia I have them. They are the pink/purple with white mouth? Have plenty. Thanks though. Yumas...
  18. smork81

    FS or trade Purple Gorgonian, Sea Whip, Purple blade

    I have for sale or trade a very large purple gorgonian(some other names for this are Sea whip, Sea rod, sea(purple) blade and Purple Gorgonian. I will sell frags of it only not the whole plant(the place I bought it from did NOT have it under good lighting so the color is a tan/pink/purple...