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  1. fishy88

    How soon can I add clean up guys?

    nitrit kills most inverts
  2. fishy88

    Wtb Mantis Shrimp

  3. fishy88

    couple pics

    cool how big of a tank
  4. fishy88

    Fire Shrimp - aka The Two Finger Bandit

    i love fires
  5. fishy88

    Saw it for 3.00

    how hard are they to take care of
  6. fishy88

    Pic of my bubble coral

    very cool bubble!
  7. fishy88

    after 3 pics of my 55

    nice! very cool!
  8. fishy88

    Breeding damsels

    its not the breeding but the raising of the fry
  9. fishy88

    dead fish

    i would take it out
  10. fishy88

    dwarf lion

    at 80*F i would feed him maybe 3 times a week. at a lower temp you dont have to feed as much that makes it grow slower and less chance of break out of disease. this dose not hurt the fish. i do this to my lions and never had a problem in my 6 yr of keeping them.
  11. fishy88

    shark in 55 gallon

    none that would be available
  12. fishy88

    biggest puffer?

    that is a lot of fish for a 125. any way nice fish.
  13. fishy88

    all puffers(?)

    you might be able to get away with a pair of 1 of the canthigaster. but they are very hard to come by.
  14. fishy88

    could anyone post pic of colorful fish

    my pink spotted broomtail. this wont fit in you 90
  15. fishy88

    could anyone post pic of colorful fish

    my puffer
  16. fishy88

    dwarf lion

    my dwarfs dont like krill. if feed them silverside, squid, coctail shrmp and mysis shrimp. what is your temp and how fast do you want them to grow.
  17. fishy88

    what are these tiny, tiny, fish?

    what fish do you have
  18. fishy88

    Puffer fish NEED HELP!!!!!!!ASAP

    he shouldent. when my puffer took all of my wrasses food he got stuffed and did the same.
  19. fishy88

    undulated trigger pics

    i do know that it is the most aggressive trigger. im going to put 1 in my 60 alone.
  20. fishy88

    i want the most aggressive trigger?

    none of my lfs have any undulateds are they not in seasion