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  1. fishy88

    More pics..experimenting with camera.

    what kind of camera do you have? im looking for a camera.
  2. fishy88

    off topic, Digital camera ?

    what is a good cheap Digital camera. i would use it for is to take pics of my fish an maybe some other stuff. what do you have? like or dont like? any pics ypu took with it would be great?
  3. fishy88

    smooth hound sharks?

    smoothounds get large(like 4 feet). they grow fast, swim all the time and need a tank at least 1500gal
  4. fishy88

    HELP!?!? Volitan just won't open his mouth!

    i have the same problem with my dwarf lion. what is it? i need help to!
  5. fishy88

    anyone have a humuhumu trigger?

    im thinking of getting one . do you have pics? good, bad stories? like, dont like?
  6. fishy88

    Freshwater Feeders

    it would be more $ if you feed feeders then a frozen food and frozzen foods are better for the fish
  7. fishy88

    Tank Mates

    a ray ya but you are getting pritty stocked
  8. fishy88

    what is this garlic stuff?

    any garlic juice
  9. fishy88

    Tank Mates

    horn sharks get very big. i have seen them diving here in so cali. you could put a eel in
  10. fishy88

    what is this garlic stuff?

    what is this garlic stuff i have been hearing about? they said you soak you food in it. is it really that good? where do i get it? thanks
  11. fishy88

    Titan Trigger Pics

    i dont have any but there is some on this forum look at older pages and you will see a post like (my titan)or(pic of my titan)ect.
  12. fishy88

    Aggressive Triggers

    how big is your tank?
  13. fishy88

    Freshwater Feeders

    i know you want to see your triggers hunt and kill them but they are very bad for them.
  14. fishy88

    Freshwater Feeders

    no! the are very bad and can kill them if feed to many(once a day for a peirod of time)
  15. fishy88

    Fresh Water Dips

    i put my fish only if sick in a saltwater formilin dip.
  16. fishy88

    im going aggressive boys

    how big is you tank
  17. fishy88

    What fish are compatible with a puffer....?

    i have a broomtail and a golden tail eel with mine
  18. fishy88

    What kind of Puffer is this!

    it is that most of the time they are out to sell stuff. i asked my lfs if i could put a smoothound shark in a 150g. they said i could keep it for life.
  19. fishy88

    What kind of Puffer is this!

    its a dogface. a stingray will out grow your tank, the trigger is to aggressive, and you tank is to small for 2 puffers
  20. fishy88

    Cant get my eel too eat
