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  1. fishy88

    Any tips on feeding a zebra eel

    it depends, i had a eel go on hunger strike and it died. i also had one that it went on a hunger strike for 3 weeks and it ate after.
  2. fishy88

    need your input ASAP!!!

    i think it would be worse if you put him in a tank without it being cycled. what type of trigger ?
  3. fishy88

    too many tangs to shake a stick at

    i like the black tang
  4. fishy88

    Angel Pics!

    great pics
  5. fishy88

    Hawaiian Dragon Moray

    how big is your tank. they are very aggressive like StacyT said
  6. fishy88

    Any tips on feeding a zebra eel

    he might eat small crawldads.
  7. fishy88

    Any tips on feeding a zebra eel

    you can get them at a ***** or any freshwater lfs. they are freshwater crabs.they run about $3. you can use any live crab. the fiddlers are cheaper then salt water crabs. it may tank a long time before he gets to frozen but keep trying. let me know if he eats the fiddlers
  8. fishy88

    what do you do to your new fish?

    i have never done any dips before. just wanted to know what people do to there new fish
  9. fishy88

    Fluval 404

    canister filters are a big pain! i would get a wet dry
  10. fishy88

    2 months and zebra moray wont eat?

    have you tried live fiddler crabs
  11. fishy88

    what do you guys think of a golden puffer

    hey clowntrigger2k did you buy it.
  12. fishy88

    Chainlink Eel

    if it was my tank i wouldnt do it.
  13. fishy88

    Chainlink Eel

    it will eat your shrimp and some of you fish(if it is big enough to fit in its mouth. there mouths are like snakes, they expand)
  14. fishy88

    what do you do to your new fish?

    what do you do?
  15. fishy88

    Pictures of aggressive tank

    nice tanks!
  16. fishy88

    what do you guys think of a golden puffer

    i would agree a 125 is to small for rays. go with the puff
  17. fishy88

    Pictures of aggressive tank

    ya that is real small for a shark
  18. fishy88

    Eel Id Please

    i had one not agressive at all. stays some what small.i forgot what it was called
  19. fishy88

    how long is a 200 gallon tank

    i would ask that in the aggr. forum
  20. fishy88

    Any tips on feeding a zebra eel

    never mind i see you live in minneapolis. do you have a asian market by you?