Search results

  1. denny80688

    4sale 300 gallon oceanic dallas,tx

    ah crap. Cant you live in PA? I would take it in a heartbeat!
  2. denny80688

    Cellphone companys

    thanks for all the replys!
  3. denny80688

    Cellphone companys

    Ok who is everyone using and do you likeit or hate it? I have Nextel right now and hate it. phone is crap, poor service, high bills due to poor plans. Im looking at going to either Verizon or Cingular. Any experiances? thanks!
  4. denny80688

    hippo has ich

    Yeah I read the FAQ after posting this.. . I am going this morning to pick up a small QT Tank to use. And a refrac to do hypo salinity. my only concern is siunce the QT wont be cycled I guess I will need to do daily water changes. thanks Beth
  5. denny80688

    hippo has ich

    Ok my hippo tang has been in my display tank for about 3 weeks and was doing awesome. This mornign I see she now has ich and it seems to be spreading. What should I treat with and I have no QT tank. My tank is FOWLR no inverts other then hermits and a conch.
  6. denny80688

    hippo with ich`

    oops wrong forum please remove
  7. denny80688

    hippo with ich`

    Ok my hippo tang has been in my display tank for about 3 weeks and was doing awesome. This mornign I see she now has ich and it seems to be spreading. What should I treat with and I have no QT tank. My tank is FOWLR no inverts other then hermits and a conch.
  8. denny80688

    ID Please!

    wow thats some cool looking algea :D
  9. denny80688

    Water changes ?

    10 - 15% every 2 weeks... Sometimes I miss a week but what ya dgonna do Deffinalty more then 20% every 6 months though. how are your water paramaters? heavily stocked? I only have 5 chromis a hippo tang and a perc clown so very low bio load as well
  10. denny80688

    God I hate buying cars . . .

    ah yes car buying.. my favorite sport check out he has some great info on the site and some scams to avoid. worth the read. saved me about $8,000 on my new Ram 1500 Hemi. Also check NADA value and blue book on your trade. you will see NADA is higher. GO in saying...
  11. denny80688

    Is it possible to clean live sand?

    what do you mena by looks terrible?? Lots of brown stuff on it? What are you using as a cleanup crew? I wouldnt try to replace it.. remember the sand works as a biological filter so removing and replacing it will cause all kinds of trouble
  12. denny80688

    Perc clown in pa

    I have a perc clown about 2 inches... hes 2 years old approximatly and I want to either trade him to someone with some cash for 2 gold stripe maroon clowns or atleast see he goes to a good home so I can purchase 2 gold stripe clowns.. He was half of a mated pair until the female jumped out of...
  13. denny80688


    I have been thinking about adding a porcupine puffer to my 125 gal FOWLR tank. My question is.. I know they eat inverts so I cant keep shrimp or crabs but will they go after the cleanup crew hermits/snails etc? If so what do you use for a cleanup crew?
  14. denny80688

    make a trap for fish

    uh I didnt realize tropical fish that like in ~80 degree water would survive in the freezing cold water off the coast of jersey...
  15. denny80688

    hermits molting

    maybe I worded that wrong. I mean should the empty crab body be removed.. not the empty shell...
  16. denny80688

    hermits molting

    When your crabs molt should the old shell be removed from the tank? will it cause an amonia spike if its left in? I ask because my hermits seem to be molting pretty oftin and many times I cant get at the old shells..
  17. denny80688

    shroom lighting

    ok cool. thanks again
  18. denny80688

    SWF reef packages...

    maybe Im confised then. You read so much on here and in books it all starts to turn to mush
  19. denny80688

    SWF reef packages...

    I was just checking out the reef packages because I need more hermits. only have like 15 in a 125 gal and they arent keeping up with the cleaning duties. I was looking at the 20 + 2 package. 20 scarlet hermits, 20 blue legs, 20 turbos, 2 emerald crabs and 2 cleaner shrimp. my question is...
  20. denny80688

    shroom lighting

    lol yes th elighting is just a small piece of the puzzle. before buying the shroom rocks what do they eat? are they difficult to keep anything I should watch out for? Tank has been up for around 2 months should I hold off? thanks for the help!