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  1. denny80688

    High Nitrates

    forgot to mention a lack of water changes. eventuily even with low bio-load and good biological filtration your nitrates will creep up from lack of water changes. Theres nowhere for the nitrate to go so it builds up...
  2. denny80688

    High Nitrates

    many things can cause high nitrates. poor biological filtration... ineffective protein skimmer, high bio-load, over feeding, poor circulation in the tank, crushed coral substrate.. Im currently finding out even bioballs can cause it.
  3. denny80688

    refuge plumbing

    oh ok and the falling water will then create my circulation. didnt think of that :-p
  4. denny80688

    refuge plumbing

    Im going to setup a fuge in the next few dasys and was just wondering if I should have the supply water come in from the bottom or from the top.. like should I plumb the supply line in at the same height as the overflow line or like 3/4 of the way down to allow better circulation?
  5. denny80688

    plants for feeding tang

    ah i see. yes he is eating like a horse. most of the plants are gone now. Im on the process of making a fuge to grow more and I will try the nori. thanks
  6. denny80688

    hippo have ich?

    had the fish 4 days. eating great.. schools around with my chromis all day and picks at the LR. the LFS I purchased it from held it for a week in there tanks to watch for sickness and all fish were healthy looking when I bought mine. So as far as I know it has not been exposed to ich
  7. denny80688


    the skimer I am currently running is an aquaclear and Im not real pleased with it. I seem to be cleaning the tube daily and its removing little to nothing from the water. I purchased the wet/dry, skimmer, tank, and everything else used so thats the risk you take in buying used equipment...
  8. denny80688

    hippo have ich?

    I looked over the pictures int he sticky above but Im not convinced yet thatmy hippo has ich. unless she is just getting it. she has maybe 3 to 4 tiny white dots like pin head size on her sides. I wish my digital cam would take decent close pics but it doesnt. just turn out a blurry mess.
  9. denny80688


    wow that would be a pretty large fuge... I was going to try out using a large rubbermade container for the fuge and people keep recommending I convert my wet/dry into a sump and get rid of the bioballs. is this advised? I currently have 50lb of premium fiji and 50lb of dry base rock been int...
  10. denny80688

    tang with freyed fin

    wow. I thought t first it was ich on his fin but then realized it was a little torn there and in the last 3 days it hasnt changed much... thanks man
  11. denny80688

    plants for feeding tang

    whats nori? or are you saying thats what I have?
  12. denny80688

    how many hermits/snails?

    yeah I had a good deal of shell-jcaking that went down and there is a good bit of batteling between the hermits but have yet to loose any to it. and they are all molting like crazy... At first thought they were dieing but kept a count and realized I found more bodies then hermits I owned...
  13. denny80688

    cyano perhaps?

    yes bioballs in the wet/dry and including base rock I then have 100lb of rock. 50lb live 50lb base.
  14. denny80688

    Fish don't like my tank

    uh if the fish arent too sick I would start by taking them back asap. When you say the readings are "in line" what are the readings? What are you using for filtration? Do you have live sand or live rock? did you actuily see each chemical in the tank spike to verify the tank has completely...
  15. denny80688


    lets refer to it as a LFS in lancaster pa.. yes been there an its VERY VERY large... many fish and lots of equipment for a good price.. worth the drive (2 hr for me) just to check it out and to be able to see the fish first hand before buying...
  16. denny80688

    how many hermits/snails?

    I have a 125gal FOWLR and I have alike 15 hermits.. mix of scarlet and blue leg.. and like 2 snails. How many should I really have?
  17. denny80688

    tang with freyed fin

    My new hippo has a small gash out of his top fin. looks a tiny bit white where it smissing. I didnt even notice till I got it home from the LFS. Fish eats great swims great I figured he probably did it in transport or in the tiny tank at the LFS with the other 6-8 tangs... thoughts?
  18. denny80688

    plants for feeding tang

    I had some long stringy looking plants with little green bulbs on them.. kind of like little tiny green grapes. my question is will th etang eat the branches and all or will he strip off the little bulbs and leave the rest? how long should it be left in the tank before being removed? he...
  19. denny80688


    I have been reading through all the various posts on sump and fuge design and am very overwhelmed. My question is why doesnt anyone use bio balls? What exactly is doing your filtration when there is only a skimmer? Dont the bioballs serve a purpose for bio filtration? I understand that the...
  20. denny80688

    crazy LFS prices

    lol exactly! I bought my rock and sand online but I like to see the fsh first hand and watch them eat and such before I buy them. Maybe Im paranoid