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  1. denny80688

    cyano perhaps?

    nah didnt touch them yet but they look kind of slimy... and my hippo tang seems to like to lick at them... :notsure: I tested my trates again this morning after a water change on saturday and I am still showing like 30. Gonna build a fuge I think to help with it. and do another water change...
  2. denny80688

    crazy LFS prices

    I was at the LFS the other day and some of there prices arent too bad but some are just insane! He is asking $15.99/lb for premium fiji rock. and it looked about the same as the rock I bought from for like $4/lb... crazyness!
  3. denny80688

    Live rock and etc in the PA

    I responded to your origonal post... guess you didnt see it. Im in Northampton PA and interested in some rock and the LMB
  4. denny80688

    live rock and etc. in the PA

    uh I replied and then you created another post with the exact same info.. whats up??
  5. denny80688

    trading in perc

    oh cool. thanks for the info!
  6. denny80688

    cyano perhaps?

    sump with wet/dry and auquaclear skimmer which I am not thrilled with. currently 50lb of LR and looking to add more soon Dennis
  7. denny80688

    cyano perhaps?

    1 perc 2", 5 chromis 1" and 1 hippo tang 1.5". Feed frozen brine 1 cube every day and some seaweed stuff for the hippo
  8. denny80688


    something tells me the topic of this tang could get ugly... is it a yellow or kole?
  9. denny80688


    water cycling? does freshwater cycle? I have no idea... :notsure:
  10. denny80688

    cyano perhaps?

    I lost one chromis to the PH thats what made me shut it down. All of the fish look great. Im using LS substrate and there is none of the stuff on the LR or LS just on the glass and a little on the overflows.
  11. denny80688

    live rock and etc. in the PA

    I live in northampton pa like 5 mins from allentown and may be interested in some of your stuff. soem rock.. sand. the LMB.. does he eat well? my last one died form not eating? May want some other stuff too needs to have a look. thanks!
  12. denny80688

    trading in perc

    wow really??? :scared: Ive never seen one that big. the larges perc I have seen is like 3 inches and mine is about 2 inches. Is the gold stripe a decendant from the maroon?
  13. denny80688

    cyano perhaps?

    I have a few spots of purple/red slimyness on the tank walls. Nothing big maybe silver dollar sized but is this the precursor of a big mess about to happen? use only RO water for everything and my current readings are amonia - 0 nitrite - 0 nitrate - 30 Ph - 8.4 I did recently turn off my...
  14. denny80688

    trading in perc

    I was admiring some gold stripe clowns the other day at the LFS and wish I had gone with one of those instead of my perc clown. how large do the gold stripes get? my perc seems so small yet I have had him like a year and a half.
  15. denny80688

    clown fish cyst?

    interesting... doubt its stings since I have nothing that cna sting in the tank. I guess parasites.. hes good at fighting them off I guess... LFS told me to get a cleaner shrimp but I dont see how thats gong to help anything. had one a year or so ago and it just chased the fish away more...
  16. denny80688

    So Cal Moving sale

    how much for the refractometer?
  17. denny80688

    clown fish cyst?

    My perc clown has had a white bump form on his cheek and it lasted about 3 days and then was gone. he ate fine the entire time it was there and acted normal. then a week or so later another one formed on his chin.. lasted a few days and now is gone without a trace. what are these? should I...
  18. denny80688

    Mail Order Fish Experience

    purchased LR and LS from SWF and I was very happy with the experiance... Free shipping was exactly that. no hidden costs. I then purchased 5 green chromis from a competing site and one arrived witha aparasite that quickly killed 3 of them off as well as the CC star I had purchased from...
  19. denny80688

    shark post in fish discussion

    I have been floowing this post and was wondering if this is correct? They are saying its ok to have a shark in a 20 - 50 gal tank :eek: I cant believe it would live there long.. dont they grow a few inches a year meaning after hatching it would outgrow the tank in just a very short time...
  20. denny80688

    shark filtration

    uhh a shark in a 50 gal... wont that be a big problem.. especially a reef tank where there wont be a lot of sand substrate and swimming room? :notsure: do you plan to get a much larger tank soon?