I agree with swishy...
THe sexy shrimp need should not be kept with anyother types of shrimp such as peppermints or coral bandeds becasue they will get killed under most circumstances. My LFS has a nano 12 gallon with three sexy shrimp and a clown and they are so cute.
I am interested in whether or not people quarantine before adding anything to your display. Also, what do you quarantine and for how long. Do you quarantine fish, corals, hermits, inverts, etc.
Also, has anyone quarantined an anemone?
THe fish have had two formaldehyde dips using the recommended dosage on the formalin 3 bottle. After the first dip, most of the white spots and shedding around their faces had disappeared, after the second dip I can't notice anything. I know this doesnt mean that they are cured or anything, but...
I have had the clowns since February and they have been very healthy....
I added a biclor blenny approximately 4 weeks ago and two weeks after adding him I noticed the white spots, scratching, and hanging out near the filter pump. I built a QT and put them in hypo to treat for ich...Now...
I have searched every where for the 37% solution and it is not to be found. All I could find was formalin 3 which has only 3% formaldehyde... Will this even be effective. IT does give directions on the bottle for doing a dip but I am not sure if it will be effective due to the low dose of...
I am going to dip them tonight....I hope they can make it until then....
My only confuision is this, If I dip them in formailin as beth describes, after the procedure is over they will be going back into the quarantine tank...
Wont the brooklynella still be in that water and latch onto them again?
Are you saying he could have ich and brooklynella at the same time? Yes, the clowns had visible white markings on them before entering the QT. I posted some pictures on a previous thread called "I cant tell whats wrong with my fish" and you helped me then. It looked as if it were ich...no...
Is it possible for the lowered salinity to cause a slime molt which would look like this? If it is brooklynella, I will be treating with formalin tomorrow. I am going to add some rid ich tonight (all I have) just to alleviate any symptoms and help them get through until tomorrow....
I will by...
Hi there...
So last week I thought my clowns had ich...I even posted a pic (the best i could get) and others thought it was ick as well. I went out and got everything i need for a qt tank. I have been slowly lowering salinity over the past week it is now at 1.014 and I am trying to get it done...
I just got back from the LFS. I bought some ich attack but now I dont think I will even bother using it. I got my heater and a powerhead so I am hoping by tonight around 5 it will up to the same temp as the DT. I cant find the turb start anywhere. I did find a product called Bio Spira...
Okay, I am going to look for the turbo start today after school. I am worried that I might not find it around here even though there are a lot of LFS stores. I searched forever for the stop parasite product you recommended, and no one here has it of course. Hopefully I can find the turbo start...
Does the turbo start need to be added to the QT five days before I can add the fish? Or can I add them immediately? What are your experiences?
So the ich can be carried on live rock and such? But theoretically, if the tank has no fish in it for six weeks, then any ich which was hiding on...
Hi Lion,
Thanks for the help. I went out today and bought everything I think I am going to need for this. As far as acclimating the fish, shall I catch them, then put them in a small container and then drip in the QT water into their containers so they can adjust?
Also, the trubo start product...
One more thought,
When I move the fish over, do i fill the QT with Display tank water? The QT is 10 gallons and the display is 12 gallons so I will certainly not have enough to fill it up all the way. Would I be okay filling it up half way, adding the fish without acclimating them (since it will...
Ive decided that I am going to QT the fish with hypo. Unfortunately, I dont have a cycled QT tank. I went out and bought a 10 gallon tank, some PVC piping, a heater, and some amquel. I am sending my dad out for a pump, filter, and light. I am not sure what the best option is for filtering. Like...
Can't anyone tell me if this sounds more like Ich or broklynella? The three fish are rubbing themselves on the rock and the corals. Also, it seems like there are a lot of white dots concentrated around the clown's eyes...
Please HELP! :help:
Yesterday I noticed that my bicolor blenny was rubbing himself constantly, and then I noticed that my female black clown had a lot of teeny tiny white dots on her face. I am assuming the blenny had them too but his color was too light to really see them. THe male clown looks okay. Of...