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  1. sac10918

    Aquapod Lights

    Hi, I think I need to replace the lights on my 12 gallon aquapod with the 2x27w Dual Sunpaqs. This will be my first time doing anything with these lights other than turning them on and off and I really don't know where to start. What type of lights do I need to look for to buy? I have tried...
  2. sac10918


    Thanks for the info.... I have several corals in there including a frogspawn, big harry mushroom, lots of zoos, star polyps, bubble coral, and a brain. I dose a two part calcium supplement but the calcium as at a good level so I havent dosed for probobly 2 weeks (stays around 400). Would a low...
  3. sac10918


    How do I raise dKH? I checked my tank tonight and it was only at 1 dKH or 17 ppm which is really low, right? How do I raise it and what is the best level for a reef tank? I did a partial water change if that helps...
  4. sac10918

    Hammer Coral Looks Bad!

    I had a frogspawn that wasnt doing very good...It was suggested to me by another reefer to buy Marine Snow and feed that. Since then, the frogspawn came back to life. It looks a trillion times better. If you do not think it is a lighting or flow problem and your tank levels are good, I would see...
  5. sac10918

    Opinions Needed!

    My two clowns and my bicolor blenny have been in quarantine for brooklynella for the past 7 weeks. Before they even started treatment, I was cycling my new 24 gallon aquapod and it is ready (I believe) for the fish to be added into their new home once they are done in the QT. This tank has been...
  6. sac10918

    Hammer Coral Looks Bad!

    Do you feed it? How much flow is it getting where it is at?
  7. sac10918

    ID this please!

    So is the consensus that it is a type of macroalgea?
  8. sac10918

    ID this please!

    The white dots are debris (just cleaned the tank)..It must emitt a mucous slime though since the white dots are sticking to it. It is hard and there are no visible polyps.
  9. sac10918

    ID this please!

    Does anyone know what this is exactly? It has been growing on my live rock since I bought it and it grows pretty quickly. I thought it might be some type of algea? Thanks
  10. sac10918

    Skimmer for Aquapod 24

    Hi there... I am looking for a good skimmer for the Aquapod 24 gallon. I was interested in the Aqua C remora but now I am not sure if it will fit on the back of my tank. There is also the urchin which is the in sump version. Does anyone have either of these on an aquapod 24? Can anyone make any...
  11. sac10918

    The Saga Continues...

    I use a refractometer to check the salinity. I could not find any formalin in CA (I heard it is not allowed to be sold in CA) but I used formalin 3 and followed the directions on the bottle for the proper dosing in a bath. I dont think the pics will show anything....
  12. sac10918

    The Saga Continues...

    Well, my two clowns and a bicolor blenny came down with what I thought was Ich on Easter. I put them in a makeshift quarantine tank. They looked good for a week and a half, then I cam home to them looking as if their skin was sloughing off their bodies. I posted pics and many people confirmed...
  13. sac10918

    frog spawn food?

    I feed mine Marine Snow everyday. This was recommended by a fellow reefer since the frogspawn was shriveling and not looking so great. I feed it every day it absolutely loves it...It looks great! It is one of those foods that need to be refridgerated after opening. I couldnt find any around me...
  14. sac10918

    Whats a good fit w/Clowns?

    I have two clowns and a bicolor blenny and the blennies are really fun to watch and they have tons of personality. It sounds like your tank would be a good size for one too.
  15. sac10918

    Identification needed.

    It looks to me like a small stomatella snail or cap snail. They can be found in the hitchhiker thread under snails slugs and nudibranchs. They are a good thing to have in your tank!
  16. sac10918

    Did I mess up?

    looks like a nudibranch to me. I have always wanted one because they are so pretty but I have heard that they can be a bit of a problem. Some eat zoos and they do have a very short life 9 months or something (?)
  17. sac10918

    More help needed...Is this even ich? BETH!! LION!!!

    Lion, As far as their diet is concerned, what would you recommend. I have been feeding them mostly flake food called tetra marine. I have frozen cyclopeze, mysis (which they dont seem to really like), formula 1, and homemade fish food. Out of all of these, I would say their favorite is the...
  18. sac10918

    Guess what I saw???

    Lion, I saw an IMAX reef 3-d movie and I believe that it said that the mantis shrimp was the strongest animal in the world for its size so its no supprise that they can crack glass!
  19. sac10918

    Guess I should mind my own business!

    Mrdc I think it was good of you to say something. I hate going to LFS store and seeing some one buy fish that you can just tell they don't know anything about and will just die in a few weeks. It makes me really sorry for the fish and angry at the person as well as the LFS...
  20. sac10918

    True Percula Clownfish

    Swishy, Your clowns are very cute....It looks like they always swim together. My "mated pair" like eachother, but they dont stay together like yours do. Do yours sleep together?