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  1. dea_mt

    stop water changes

    i would still do a small water change every once and a while though.
  2. dea_mt

    stop water changes

    what about additives. i don't think filtered water comes ready with magnesium and calcium among other things. you have to add it.
  3. dea_mt

    Cycle happening in established tank!

    explain your cleanup crew a little more
  4. dea_mt

    Ok I'm Giving Up !!!!

    halides definantely pay off when it comes to the color department. after all that is the whole point of having a reef right?
  5. dea_mt

    Which Water for Your Reef?

    i know as a plumber that when well water is involved we have to use double thick copper or PVC because there are so many minerals in the water that are leached from the ground.
  6. dea_mt

    Which Water for Your Reef?

    i'm reading IN - 86 OUT - 7 wish i wouldn't have gone cheap on the RO/DI unit
  7. dea_mt

    Which Water for Your Reef?

    if you had a TDS meter that read in PPMs what would you want the be reading?
  8. dea_mt

    Which Water for Your Reef?

    all of these TDS measurements are in PPM's correct?
  9. dea_mt

    green star polyp turning red?

    no they're green star polyps. mine look brown until i have actinics only and moonlights then they grow florescent green.
  10. dea_mt

    Advice on live rock order

    i wouldn't purchase from an online vendor that doesn't send overnight. SWF does it for free!!! it's also some high quality stuff. i ordered from them and put the stuff right in the tank and it didn't cause too much of a spike. i probably should have cured it first though. i'm doing so many...
  11. dea_mt

    What is my Anemone Doing? What is that?

    anemone's got indoor plumbing just like you and me so it's normal to see them secrete things from time to time. their plumbing is a little less complex but plumbing none the less.
  12. dea_mt

    Any hunters these pics are not for the weak stomach

    that is a nice buck!!!
  13. dea_mt

    Macro Shots

    bump - i wanna see some nice macros!!! keep in mind i don't have a macro lense. just digital zoom
  14. dea_mt

    Has anyone here ordered the Green Rics from

    i can't really complain because i got 2 of my 3 for free but i'm definantely happy. very healthy ricordia. have very nice definition.
  15. dea_mt

    Macro Shots

    let's see em'. i got a few here.
  16. dea_mt

    green star polyps growth

    idk star polyps are pretty tough. they usually are the bully. i've seen them just grow right through hair algae and choke it out. my star polyp colony is about the size of a softball now and it's taking off in all directions. may need to start pruning soon.
  17. dea_mt

    Ive Been Using Tap Water For Six Months And............

    well water is actually more mineral rich than tap water.
  18. dea_mt

    how good of camera do you people have?

    nice pics everyone
  19. dea_mt

    Fighting Conch-Queen Conch

    "In the wild over many years time, Queen Conches can grow over a foot in length. However, in captivity they are very slow growing and will typically never attain half of their potential size." the doctors that hug a lot on their websites said it. :thinking:
  20. dea_mt

    Fighting Conch-Queen Conch

    Originally Posted by Hurt Now I am completely lost on your reasoning? You have SIX queen conches in your 75G? WOW! :scared: I thought you were just scolding celacanthr's friend for have one fighting conch in a 20g? I'm pretty sure an aquacultured queen conch will get much larger than 4-5...