Any hunters these pics are not for the weak stomach


Active Member
Thats disturbing.. how can a man kill something so beautiful? Kill a cow... they're ugly as sin.

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by usinkit
A cow wouldnt look as good on my wall!!!

That is exactly why I stopped hunting hunters....their bright orange clothing or camo clashed with my new metro drapes.
Darth (Get R' Done) Tang


Active Member
Nice looking buck. While there are a lot of folks that dissagree on hunting them, I think its somehting that ha to be done and the various state and wildlife divisions pretty well have it figured out how many deer the area will support and have them do more than just survive. Hunting is a necessary thing, and it does enhance the deers life.
In this area we are allowed a deer a day for close to 90 days, and they numbers of deer are still extremely therefore allour deer have adapted to being much smaller due to competition for food and territory, but the occasional large buck does come along every now and then, but the body weight certainly does not rival most northern states deer weights. I got 5 this past season, 3 bucks 2 doe...nothing even close to being over 100 pounds, although the one buck had 8 points.
We have a wolf hybrid (97%) and they need fresh meat to do well. So if it was not for having the wolf I would have been happy with 2 or three for the freezer for us to eat. I am more of a meat hunter than a trophy hunter as we enjoy venison espeically when cooked on the grille or turned into sausage.......No room to hang a mount so antlers are not a must have ;-) but those bucks need to be thinned out more than the does.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Speg
Thats disturbing.. how can a man kill something so beautiful? Kill a cow... they're ugly as sin.
I agree those pictures sicken me , why would you want to take a animals life .... it doesnt have a gun and cant shoot you back therefor it is not a sport ... .... not a tree hugger , but i do love living things JMO i believe these pictures are ignorant and make me sad again JMO
I dont understand how people can justify killing a living animal just to place it on their wall to symbolize victory over something that couldnt fairly fight back. JMO and i stand by it
Kill a cow for the food , Kill a buck for its looks

Not quite the same
O "let animals live untill they figure out how to shoot a gun" ceanists


Active Member
Lots of people kill deer for food, not just for fun. If you only knew just how MANY deer there are around here!


Thanks DEA_MT'!! I was very lucky when he came by. Ive seen him a few times but never could get a nice clean shot at him.
I got three this year the smallest being 70lb dow. I agree with needing hunters. We are aloud to take 10 deer a season. I always hunt for the meat first and if a trophy comes by its a bonus. I do not agree with trophy hunting. To me thats a waste.

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by usinkit
Glad to see we have a bunch of tree huggers out there!!!

No, I just disagree with you for bragging about the point count and weight of the deer. Hunting for the meat is one thing. But shooting the deer to mount it's head on a wall shows a need to brag and receive recognition for something not entirely difficult to do. Does a twelve point buck mean you are a better hunter? No. Just you got lucky.
Darth (I hunt, too) Tang

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by Oceanists
I agree those pictures sicken me , why would you want to take a animals life .... it doesnt have a gun and cant shoot you back therefor it is not a sport ... .... not a tree hugger , but i do love living things JMO i believe these pictures are ignorant and make me sad again JMO
I dont understand how people can justify killing a living animal just to place it on their wall to symbolize victory over something that couldnt fairly fight back. JMO and i stand by it
Kill a cow for the food , Kill a buck for its looks

Not quite the same
O "let animals live untill they figure out how to shoot a gun" ceanists

I will disagree with giving the animal a gun. The animal has far more advantages than us. For instance, it can see, hear, and smell you coming, long before you know it is there.


Oceanists I kill for the food getting a nice wall mount is a bonus. I dont sit out in the woods with the intentions of killing for the wall. I eat all the meat and never take more then I can eat in the year. Cows dont have guns either so why would you agree to kill a cow but not a deer. I also warned in the title of this thread that the pictures are not for the weak stomach so why would you look if you feel these pictures are disturbing? I warned everybody!!!


Darth (I hunt, too) Tang,
I do agree I just got lucky. It doesnt make you a better hunter if you get the largest deer most times.There is a skill to hunting. You just dont go out a bang you got one. Trying to be quiet and order free is not easy. As you know deer have great sences. Iam sure if you are infact a hunter you would also want to show have your lucky kill. I enjoyed the hunt and will continue to enjoy hunting and hoping for another large kill!!!

darth tang

Active Member
Because what you think might be disturbing might not be and a person won't know till they look. Placing that warning is like dressing up like Bin Laden. People are going to look, then get outraged or disturbed.
Darth (neon sign) Tang


So if i warn you not to drive down my driveway because you may get a flat your going to do it anyway to see if Iam right!! A warning is a warning. If you dont yield to it well thats thats person problem.


New Member
I think it's a bit ironic when people complain about so called disqusting hunting practices and then stop by the local supermarket and pick up some boneless chicken

, hit Burger King on the way home and then sntach up some of that tasty turkey jerky at the gas station. The animals processed in the meat packing industry are put through horrendous conditions. Even the most humane of the meat packing practices put the animals through much worse conditions than the deer who lived its life in its natural habitat before making it to the dinner table. The difference is you don't have to think about it, most people don't even really think about that burger theyre eating as having been an animal, it's just so convenient. Just because a person can go through life not thinking about the conditions in which the food they eat is raised and killed, and they don't have to see it, doesn't stop it from happening. Just think of it as commerce, and villainize the hunter. Doesn't make sense. The only people who can criticize hunting and not be hypocritical are those who don't eat meat at all.

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by forestgump
I think it's a bit ironic when people complain about so called disqusting hunting practices and then stop by the local supermarket and pick up some boneless chicken

, hit Burger King on the way home and then sntach up some of that tasty turkey jerky at the gas station. The animals processed in the meat packing industry are put through horrendous conditions. Even the most humane of the meat packing practices put the animals through much worse conditions than the deer who lived its life in its natural habitat before making it to the dinner table. The difference is you don't have to think about it, most people don't even really think about that burger theyre eating as having been an animal, it's just so convenient. Just because a person can go through life not thinking about the conditions in which the food they eat is raised and killed, and they don't have to see it, doesn't stop it from happening. Just think of it as commerce, and villainize the hunter. Doesn't make sense. The only people who can criticize hunting and not be hypocritical are those who don't eat meat at all.
I agree completely. I just never understood the need to mount what you killed. The difference between a ten point buck and a 2 pointer is luck. That is all. It isn't like you won a world series trophy or a nfl super bowl ring. You got lucky. I have been lucky before....but I don't mount my soiled underwear I wore when I rolled a vehicle.
Darth (Humble) Tang

bang guy

But if you like the looks of it why not mount it? I can understand not wanting to mount it but I don't understand why you would criticize someone just because they have a different taste in what they put on the wall. :notsure:


New Member
Originally Posted by Darth Tang
I agree completely. I just never understood the need to mount what you killed. The difference between a ten point buck and a 2 pointer is luck. That is all. It isn't like you won a world series trophy or a nfl super bowl ring. You got lucky. I have been lucky before....but I don't mount my soiled underwear I wore when I rolled a vehicle.
Darth (Humble) Tang
Thank you for not mounting that.
You're right. It is the luck of which one happens to wander near you. Ofcourse, I think you know I was reffering to the people who get all up in arms about the "evil hunter", "how could they kill like that". I don't hunt, it's just not my thing, and I do enjoy my prepackaged boneless chicken
