As long as an animal is taken clean and quick (comes with experience and practiceing with what you use to take game with) and the meat is utilized, and not thrown away just to have a mount, thats fine.....I do not consider that trophy hunting....its called utilization of what you harvest....Harvest is the word to use not kill as deer are even sounds better than the word kill......HOwever its killing when an animal is taken and just the mount is kept. I dop not care who you are, if you got a large deer, bass, or what have you, its all together in good taste to brag about it, be it luck or stealthy hunting / fishing, yo got it you have bragging rights....Its a perfectly natural trait. Folks brag about their new set of wheels, their new 210 gal reef tank, their new ASM skimmer, their childs grade point average etc etc....why is something you bagged any different.