Any hunters these pics are not for the weak stomach


Active Member
Just curious... did any of you hunters participate in the cycling with damsels debate? I would hope not... hypocrisy drives me crazy.


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I love deer meat. I beg my father in law for some every yr. oh and he has two nice heads hanging on his walls. If hunters didnt hunt, then there wouldnt be any grass to carry the deer through the winter. there are not many wolves left to thin out the population. By the way, thats a really nice buck.


Active Member
Deer meat is absolutely delicious!!!
It's also half the fat and sodium of the meat from cattle.


Active Member
My Husband is about to inherit a GORGEOUS 30/30 from his late Grandfather - what were you using?


hunting only destroys what we have left of our environment! i have beat out just about any hunter I have ever meant in argument against hunting. It is disturbing that anyone can kill such a beautiful animal.
I ask people why they have deer heads on their walls. They always say because it's such a beautiful animal. There you go. I think my mother is attractive, but I have photographs of her. ~Ellen DeGeneres


Mimzy, I used a 30/30 marlin.
AW2, Why not rifles? Around here 8 pointers are plenty but anything over that is rare.
MoEel, I watch alot of outdoor shows and Iowa another big deer state. I would love to get out there sometime!!!
Appaloosa1, How does hunting destroy are environment?


TeresaQ, I love the meat. Around here we have cyotes that are taking over. I guess up in Maine they are trying to introduce the grey wolf. i think thats a bad idea. They are one aggressive animal.
jr2857, I beleive most hunters dont trophy hunt but they do appreciate when a nice monster buck comes along. Even poucher consume the deer they kill. Do i agree with pouching ,no. No need to pouch when in the state of CT you cn kill 10 deer. Thats more then I can eat in a years time!!!


Active Member
Deer meat is also healthier than beef. Someone mentioned most folks are carnivors and have no problem eating meat and using leather products but then freak out when they see a photo like that? Poor defensless Brine shrimp and worms... those cruel aquarist.


Yea that is funny. I would like to know what the tree huggers propose we do with these animals that are over populated and risk spreading decease that will spread to livestock that they have no problem killing. Its insane but comical!!!


Active Member
Hey Mimzy. Weren't you looking for a sidearm a couple months ago? I found a site with FAQs on the P99 Walther. Lots of good info if you're still interested.
ps this is not a hijacking
pss usinkit, I prefer the younger specimens over the larger, older deer anyway, as the meat tends to be more tender and I think they have better flavor as well. I haven't hunted in years. It's good to see ya eat what ya kill. Uncle Ted would be proud. BTW if you scramble your user name it's U-SKIN-IT!! :hilarious


Active Member
Thanks, had to add a little to my previous post. Have you ever tried Buffalo meat, its pretty good also. I was thinking about getting a 7mm Remington MAG. My buddy swears by his 270.


Active Member
Originally Posted by socal57che
Hey Mimzy. Weren't you looking for a sidearm a couple months ago? I found a site with FAQs on the P99 Walther. Lots of good info if you're still interested.
ps this is not a hijacking
noooooooo... not hijacking at all

I wasn't looking for a sidearm per se, I was wondering if anyone had ever handled and fired a Benelli Nova. Come to think of it, I believe I also asked if anyone knew of a handgun with the same ergonomics of the Ladysmith with a much more reasonable price tag.


socal57che, I like U-SKIN-IT!!! LOL. You must have alot of free time or scrabbles your game!!
It doesnt matter what age they are to me I like to marinade my venison steaks anyway. The backstraps and tenderloins are all good no matter what age to me.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mimzy
noooooooo... not hijacking at all

I wasn't looking for a sidearm per se, I was wondering if anyone had ever handled and fired a Benelli Nova. Come to think of it, I believe I also asked if anyone knew of a handgun with the same ergonomics of the Ladysmith with a much more reasonable price tag.
just tryin' to help. Never owned or shot any Benellis. Had a Remington 870 Wingmaster Trap gun a few years back. Sold it WAAYYYYY too cheap. $300. Only "six-shooter" I owned was a Colt Cobra.
ps this is still not a matter how much it looks that way.
That is a nice buck, sir.


Active Member
Originally Posted by usinkit
socal57che, I like U-SKIN-IT!!! LOL. You must have alot of free time or scrabbles your game!!
It doesnt matter what age they are to me I like to marinade my venison steaks anyway. The backstraps and tenderloins are all good no matter what age to me.

The processor we used made AWESOME sausage and burger so we usually had the whole enchilada ground up. I don't eat much steak anyway, but tons of sausages and burgers.


Active Member
Originally Posted by usinkit
Iam not one to cry about hijacking so hijack away doesnt bother me!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by usinkit
Yea that is funny. I would like to know what the tree huggers propose we do with these animals that are over populated and risk spreading decease that will spread to livestock that they have no problem killing. Its insane but comical!!!
1.Deer are "overpopulated" because predator species have been over hunted. Bring back the wolves, cougars, bears, bobcats, coyotes, wolverines, etc. and we wouldn't have an issue with over crowding. Let's not pretend that nature needs our intervention to properly balance hunter/prey species.
2. I'm not aware of ANY disease that has a confirmed case of traveling from wild to domestic livestock. There could be some, but I'm not aware of them...
3. Venison tastes great, but let's not over exaggerate the difficulty in shooting one. In Texas for instance, every farm and ranch has a deer feeder on it. The deer come right up and eat like lemmings. Most 8 year olds around here have shot deer out of a stand. Owning the right land=shooting a big deer.
4. Imho hunting by humans is bad for the natural welfare of the "herd" species. Hunters shoot the biggest, strongest animals. Those animals would normally survive to pass along their genes to more offspring. Human hunters disrupt natural selection.