Originally Posted by 1journeyman
1.Deer are "overpopulated" because predator species have been over hunted. Bring back the wolves, cougars, bears, bobcats, coyotes, wolverines, etc. and we wouldn't have an issue with over crowding. Let's not pretend that nature needs our intervention to properly balance hunter/prey species.
2. I'm not aware of ANY disease that has a confirmed case of traveling from wild to domestic livestock. There could be some, but I'm not aware of them...
3. Venison tastes great, but let's not over exaggerate the difficulty in shooting one. In Texas for instance, every farm and ranch has a deer feeder on it. The deer come right up and eat like lemmings. Most 8 year olds around here have shot deer out of a stand. Owning the right land=shooting a big deer.
4. Imho hunting by humans is bad for the natural welfare of the "herd" species. Hunters shoot the biggest, strongest animals. Those animals would normally survive to pass along their genes to more offspring. Human hunters disrupt natural selection.
LMAO, bobcats killing deer, very funy but far from the truth. Also just to shed some light on the situation we have been hunting ever since the creation of man, are we not animals to, and have the right to be a predator also?