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  1. dea_mt

    What a day!!!

    congratulations and sorry to hear about your loss. with every loss there is a gain!
  2. dea_mt

    feeding frogspawn mysis- I failed- what am i doing wrong

    i agree w/ NM Reef as long as you have sufficient lighting direct feeding is not required. i would still try it from time to time though. sometimes stuff just ain't hungry. w/ my Green BTA it's hit or miss. sometimes he's hungry sometimes he's not.
  3. dea_mt

    Have Pity on a Newbie To Plumbing....

    yeah that sounds about right MY WAY but i would definantely measure to make sure. i'm a new house plumber and any time we're trying to set a shower or bathtub we definantely measure before we cary it up to the 3rd story you know what i mean.
  4. dea_mt

    Have Pity on a Newbie To Plumbing....

    also do like i did, buy one thing at a time. after all you don't have to buy it all at once. like i don't even have a sump/fuge just yet. that will be my next project. start w/ a skimmer, if you don't have a ro/di unit i would recommend one since last time i bought water from the LFS they...
  5. dea_mt

    Have Pity on a Newbie To Plumbing....

    look on E B A Y
  6. dea_mt

    Have Pity on a Newbie To Plumbing....

    search for SQUIDD's posts. his diagrams have always been very helpful.
  7. dea_mt

    Have Pity on a Newbie To Plumbing....

    i've just learned the whole valve thing on everything from a past wrestling match w/ a leaky inline carbon filter
  8. dea_mt

    Have Pity on a Newbie To Plumbing....

    i'm not necessarily saying that you will absolutely have to remove your sump every but i would do it just in case.
  9. dea_mt

    Have Pity on a Newbie To Plumbing....

    no but you would want a valve incase you had to lets say take your sump out so that the water wouldn't backsiphon from the main display tank all over your pretty little floor. what you really need on each is a PVC union w/ a ball valve on each side of the union so can cut it off from either...
  10. dea_mt

    Have Pity on a Newbie To Plumbing....

    i don't really see where a checkvalve would come into place. that is just a valve that lets water only flow in one direction. valves are placed strategically for maintenance. you'll probably want to put a double valved union on both your supply and your return.
  11. dea_mt

    Have Pity on a Newbie To Plumbing....

    think of it like a big loop, i'm sure someone has a picture that will make it seem a lot easier
  12. dea_mt

    help, dragonet & copepods

    yes, have your tried frozen mysis or live brine yet?
  13. dea_mt

    ***how You Feel About Eating Fish/sea Creatures-post Here***

    i like a good mandarin w/ fireshrimp cocktail on the side...check him out he was tastey
  14. dea_mt

    Kodak Easyshare 5.0MP Test Pics

    tanks been running about a year and three months. i had a little problem w/ water from lfs giving me algae bloom but i'm now getting it under control w/ a new ro/di unit that was a xmas present for my fish!!!. had the mandarin for something like 5 months now and had good luck w/ him b/c he...
  15. dea_mt

    Kodak Easyshare 5.0MP Test Pics

    as requested by BADLT
  16. dea_mt

    Kodak Easyshare 5.0MP Test Pics

    just a few pics w/ my new camera that i got for xmas o<|:)~ merry xmas
  17. dea_mt

    merry christmas, kwanza, whatever

    that's so PC man LOL
  18. dea_mt

    What did your tank get for Christmas???

    125 gpd 6 stage ro/di unit i bought myself a christmas present, kinda had to though. water that i purchased from local fish shop gave me slime algae it's in the process of being nuked right now
  19. dea_mt

    What do i feed my mandarin? (Supplemental Feeding)

    sometimes you can convince your mandarin to eat frozen mysis, is that doesn't work try live brine or live mysis if you can find them. if non of this works just make sure you have a good sump/fuge setup
  20. dea_mt

    How do I get rid of these HELP!

    i've also heard that lethal injection by kalkwasser is possible!!!