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  1. sthlts

    How do i save these Corals

    I keep doing water changes but the ammonis is still 2-3 ppm i cant seem to get it to safe levels....any thoughts
  2. sthlts

    i have a few on my new LR any ideas?

    any thoughts
  3. sthlts

    How do i save these Corals

    I have new live rock in my tank and it can with some great growth on it. Is there a way to save any of these guys?
  4. sthlts

    Dying Live Rock

    i bought the live rock from golf-view dot com i paid $4 a lb for the rock i thought it was a great deal they ship to your local airport the rock was in transit for a total of 10 hours there is lots of growth and critters. Im going to to post more pictures of the rock later tonight Ill keep...
  5. sthlts

    Dying Live Rock

    I am starting a new 150 tank and ordered 350 lbs of live rock. There was a ton of growth on the rock when it was delivered. I pulled off the huge stuff but there is a lot of growth that is be expected should I remove the excess plantand dying alge growth. the ammonia inthetank is...
  6. sthlts

    Proetin skimmer question?

    I have a new 150 tank it is going to be a reef tank with a 50 gallon sump I would like to get everyone .02 on what the best skimmers are for the money i hav alot invested in the tank so far and want to get a better skimmer but not just buy the most expensive one. Any thoughts?
  7. sthlts

    I'm new and have questions

    Thanks for the help. Everyone that has insite is great. My wife thinks I'm a nut so at least I know there are other nuts out
  8. sthlts

    1 Week old tank water numbers HELP

    Thanks. Should I be doing daily water changes until the ammonia gets lower ?
  9. sthlts

    1 Week old tank water numbers HELP

    I don't mean to go nuts but I posted my ammonia question and a few guys sad anything more then 1.5 ppm will do more bad than good. I'm not sure what chart I am looking at but the test kit I have has a range of 0-3.6 for alkalinity am I testing for the wrong think? I't my first tank and I went...
  10. sthlts

    1 Week old tank water numbers HELP

    alright I did a water change yesterday and here are the stats of the tank today Alk 2.4-2.8 Ammonia 3.0 Nitrite .2 Nitrate 5 i didnt another 25% water change after these readings. any thought on getting the ammonia at 1.5 or less durring the cycle? I have 350lbs or new live rock in the tank and...
  11. sthlts

    Sump tank in the garage

    i have a 150 tank and am running a 55 gallon sump. Its loud if o was to pipe the sump into the garage do I have to worry about the cold in the winter? Or does anyone have a good way to quite the sump? it sounds like a toilet is flushing all day long
  12. sthlts

    I'm new and have questions

    alright I did a water change yesterday and here are the stats of the tank today Alk 2.4-2.8 Ammonia 3.0 Nitrite .2 Nitrate 5 i didnt another 25% water change after these readings. any thought on getting the ammonia at 1.5 or less durring the cycle?
  13. sthlts

    I'm Cycling a 150 Gallon Tank Help I'm new

    alright I did a water change yesterday and here are the stats of the tank today Alk 2.4-2.8 Ammonia 3.0 Nitrite .2 Nitrate 5 i didnt another 25% water change after these readings. any thought on getting the ammonia at 1.5 or less durring the cycle?
  14. sthlts

    I'm Cycling a 150 Gallon Tank Help I'm new

    yes i have to admit those are 2x4's holding the lights up but thats nonly because the legs for the light didn't come in the order they will be here tomorow. I have all of the heaters/protein skimmer currently in the tank because durring the start up I wanted to have the ability to get to them...
  15. sthlts

    I'm Cycling a 150 Gallon Tank Help I'm new

    I might be using the wrong term "cycling" i have had the tank tank up and running for about a week i did a ammonia test 4-5 ppm I am going to do a 25% water change in a few minutes. I have 400 lbs of LR and 150 lbs of sand. I am keeping the water at 1.022 any other thoughts on starting a tank...
  16. sthlts

    I'm new and have questions

    obsession is not the word, I never though that I would look at a pile of rocks so much. I can't wait for the tank to come alive
  17. sthlts

    What is this

    Anyone know what this stuff is?
  18. sthlts

    I'm new and have questions

    150 tall
  19. sthlts

    I'm new and have questions

    I got this live rock 6 days ago its been in the tank starting to cycle there is alot of growth on the rock and looks to be more then the rock I see in other tanks. Will the rock eventualy settle with less growth?
  20. sthlts

    New live rock

    I figured i should go big or go home, I now have 400 lbs of live rock in a 150 gallon tank. I would like to know when I should be worried about ammonia the tank has been up and running 7 days and I am at 5-6 PPM when do I have to do a large water change