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  1. draconis321

    my new used skimmer

    coral life super skimmer
  2. draconis321

    my new used skimmer

    I hope it's working right.
  3. draconis321

    my new used skimmer

    hey guy here are some pics of my new skimmer
  4. draconis321

    help!!!!! please somethings wrong

    I just set up my used skimmer and all the snails, abalone and nudi branks are goign sick it's only bine about 5 mins and noneof the coral are being effected so what going on help
  5. draconis321

    help!!!!! please somethings wrong

    I just set up my used skimmer and all the snails, abalone and nudi branks are goign sick it's only bine about 5 mins and noneof the coral are being effected so what going on help
  6. draconis321

    help!!!!! please somethings wrong

    I just set up my used skimmer and all the snails, abalone and nudi branks are goign sick it's only bine about 5 mins and noneof the coral are being effected so what going on help
  7. draconis321

    saved a couple crabs :)

    i don't know about the second one but the first one is defineitly a rock(crab) they get about 2 and a half inch man......
  8. draconis321

    saved a couple crabs :)

    i don't know about the second one but the first one is defineitly a rock they get about 2 and a half inch man their so cool I have one right now that s about an inch but yours looks so much better i'd love to have them both
  9. draconis321

    whats a FOWLR???

    tanks a lot for the info
  10. draconis321


    is there anything big that will i can keep in a 125 for it's whole life and could you specifie how thick and long they get thanks
  11. draconis321


    i was wondering which eel is the biggest and most docile(for an eel) that can go in a 125 gal P.S if you could post pics along with your suggestions that would be a big help.
  12. draconis321

    whats a FOWLR???

    I'm pretty new to on line forums (I didn't even have email till a few week ago surprising for a teenager) so could someone explain
  13. draconis321

    post your triig pics here

    since trigg have bin such a popular topic i thought I'd start one of these threads(that and i'm planning to get some my self and wanted to see some nice pics)
  14. draconis321

    planning to get a trigg... any suggestions?

    8023752 inches and need the 7 seas to roam. what???
  15. draconis321

    planning to get a trigg... any suggestions?

    thanks for the help guys I was sort of leaning towards to getting a niger but I was wondering if i can put trigs in after the niger
  16. draconis321

    planning to get a trigg... any suggestions?

    I'm hopeing to get some triigs soon i was hopeing for some suggestion I've got a 125 gal tank with a puffer and some damsel (that i don't care about if they get eaten) with 350gal worth of filtration and soon to have a skimmer good for 220 gals.....
  17. draconis321

    Mantis Shrimp

    I wouldn't worry about a smasher if your getting one the thing is that mantis rarely do smash the glass even though they can put live crabs in to keep it happy nd you should be fine
  18. draconis321

    220 skimmer..... to much???

    the thing is it's a used i'm getting it for $149 which is a steal my lfs has displayed it while it's work and looks all good
  19. draconis321

    220 skimmer..... to much???

    no it's a super skimmer or are they the same thing
  20. draconis321

    220 skimmer..... to much???

    I have a 125 gal tank I was just wondering if a skimmer meant for a 220 gal is ok