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  1. draconis321

    gouper pics!!!

    I no that the bamboo will out grow my tank( i've had this talk before)but since my parent don't want me setting up more tanks im going to use the shark as a reason to upgrade im a bad kid
  2. draconis321

    gouper pics!!!

    some trigg angles tangs some puffers a bamboo shark and hopefully a gaint hermit crab if i can get one
  3. draconis321

    Copepods counting

    they weigh the amount of eggs they hatch. factor in mortality rate then theve got an estamit and just so you no those arent exact amounts that their addvertising
  4. draconis321

    australian tusk pics

    does any one hvae a pic of one of these
  5. draconis321

    new baby

    is the shark in the first to the same as the last?nice ghost eel im planning to get one how are the are they agresive do they eat other fish bigger than them?
  6. draconis321

    My new Puffer

    so cute i'll hope fully be get a pair in the near future
  7. draconis321

    I want an octopus

    i my self was looking into doing an octo tank 2 things you must know befor you start 1) they are escape artis tank must be completely seald 2)short life span about 2years tops for the bigger speices if your okay with this heres a fews tips 1)sealing the tank is realy important 2)octos are...
  8. draconis321

    gouper pics!!!

    sorry about the crappy pics
  9. draconis321

    gouper pics!!!

    hey guys i finnaly got a grouper it a v-tail so awsome her some pics of killer
  10. draconis321

    140 tank!

    try some sun coral they actually like to be in the shade or some leather finger corals, tube aneomes, green star polup or a red polup octoral these are are all lowlight corals but if i were you i would really consider you get some good lighting becuase the thing is with coral is there suppose to...
  11. draconis321

    box or cow fish ???

    I was wondering wether i can keep a cow or boxfish in a 125 gal if so which speices is the easyest to care for because im worried of it dieing and poisining the tank...
  12. draconis321

    2700 gallon aquarium pics

    i can't see th pic whats wrong
  13. draconis321

    new baby

    thanks for the help
  14. draconis321

    new baby

    Do you have any tips on hatching cuase I'm planning to get the same type shark within the next few day if all pans out can you tell me things like: Water temp incubation time(how long it takes to hatch) feed when hatch( the only thing i no is they might not eat for a week) growth rate special...
  15. draconis321

    more than 1 Goby

    I should think so their pretty small and the tanks pretty big just make sure you put a lot of sand aleast an inch and 1/2 to 2 inchs(hopefullyyou already new that) I would put to many rocks in there or you might not see them. If you can you should realy put them in an realy tiny tank Tempraly...
  16. draconis321

    skimmer output ????

    because of my new skimmer i'v got alot of tiny bubbles in my dt I was wondering is there a way to stop that
  17. draconis321

    groupers and hinds..... pics???

    don't worry i've already looked into panthers for one thing they get real ugly as they get older plus there messy eaters not ot mention the fact they get to big for my tank
  18. draconis321

    Stocking A 300?

    get a grouper or a shark
  19. draconis321

    want a new fish help!

    get apistol shrimp and shrimp goby they have a cool symbiotic relationship just be sure to put them together in a real small tank about ten gals or so with a sand bed and one rock just to get them together good luck
  20. draconis321

    groupers and hinds..... pics???

    could some one post some pics of some groupers or hinds that'll fit in 125 gal thanks