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  1. draconis321

    star and stripes puffer ???

  2. draconis321

    Id Id Id Id!!!!

    Originally Posted by ClownFiSH11 hmmm got a pic? it could be some type of firefish...idk mby a pic will be alot more helpful... fire fish is probaly right and if its purple then you are so lucky i hear they go for like $60-$70 does it look like this...
  3. draconis321

    star and stripes puffer ???

    how do take care of them are they hard to keep any special info on them?
  4. draconis321

    Porcupine Puffer ?

    very nice fish yes they MIGHT eat you snails, shrimps and ect but there better chance they won't if you feed well just be careful not to catch with a net and not to take them out of water air goes in doesn't come out. they some time take bites out of rock and are some what ich prone but most...
  5. draconis321

    fragging ?????

  6. draconis321

    post you puffer pics!!!!!!

    lets see your puffer pics
  7. draconis321

    fragging ?????

    what is it and how do you do it??
  8. draconis321

    Jawfish,sand sifters and horse shoe crabs

    Does any no or have anything on these guys. Info and some pics would be appreicated.
  9. draconis321

    Brackish to Salt compatibality

    Black tipped "sharks"(actually type of cat fish), Green spotted puffers, ect
  10. draconis321

    horseshoe crabs

    Try silver side,krill or ghost shrimp
  11. draconis321

    Panther Grouper

    1 and a half years tops before you'll need to up grade or get rid of it they get about 30 inch and their messy feater plus they eat every thing they can fit in there mouth i woul'd get one for the size of tank you should look into a v-tail grpr, specil fin, marine betta, blue spotted they'll...
  12. draconis321

    algea problem

    the lights are 7 months old feeding once a day i have to find out about the phospates and nitrates
  13. draconis321

    algea problem

    I've had my 65 reef for about a 7 months and all of the sudden it's it's got a algea problem theres this green algea that growwith 3 hour of cleaning the glass and i only leave the lihgts on 12-7 WHATS WRONG????????
  14. draconis321

    Eel Id?

    who cares it's awsome
  15. draconis321

    FW land crabs???

    So im getting these halloween crabs dose anyone no anything about these guyi no they need some land heat 78 humidty and they like veggies thats it help?? ill try get some pic of them becuase i don't think there really halloween crab.
  16. draconis321

    gouper pics!!!

    justso you guys know i don't have any of this stuff yet so i'm not going to have all of what iv put just stuff i like(execpt thee gaint hermit)
  17. draconis321

    universal saltwater fish forum

    This probabbliy the greatest saltwater fish forum ever!!!props to the founder but i have one question is there website like this for fresh water because anyone SW tank has or has had a FW tank and they'ed probably want some tips on that
  18. draconis321


    try a chestnut moray