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  1. audisteve

    Tank cycling question

    You will still go through some sort of cycle. Regardless of how much pre-cured rock or sand you put in your tank. Water holds little beneficial bacteria, you'd actually be putting in "dirty" water if you used the 55g water. In this hobby nothing comes quickly, I bet you'll still have the...
  2. audisteve

    150 Watts over the 12G Nano

    All HEAT and UV issues aside, would 150 watts of HQI given proper distance be harmful in anyway over the 12 Gallon Nano Cube?
  3. audisteve

    Quiet Hang-on-back Skimmer

    20 Gallon Long
  4. audisteve

    Quiet Hang-on-back Skimmer

    I am looking for a super quiet HOB skimmer that is of good quality...please leave an opinion. This skimmer will be working 8 feet from where I will be sleeping...and I'm not a heavy sleeper.
  5. audisteve

    Is this a teardrop maxima?

    Gaining color how? If you mean it is gaining a color like more purple or darker colors, that is not a good sign. Crocea clams under good lighting will expell most of thier Zooxanthelle becoming more green, yellow, and metallic blue. If they start to get darker under lighting it is only a...
  6. audisteve

    Overdriving PC's?

    Does anyone have any expierence on overdriving PC's? Recently my Niece's tank crashed under the "super"vision of my brother-in-law. I gave her as a gift a JBJ Nanocube, and as we all know, the lighting sucks with the standard cube. I am going to custom fit another set of lights into the...
  7. audisteve

    grrrr this makes me mad

    Where would they have gotten the picture from in the first place?
  8. audisteve

    carpet anenome in nano cube 24?

    Not enough light. Plus carpets get around 2 to 3 feet in diameters...although yours would die before it got that big. Stick with a bulb tip.
  9. audisteve

    mandarin dragonette problem!~

    Take it back, this hobby is not about buying the prettiest fish but about recreating a natural habitat, they need at least 75pounds of live rock and a well establised tank. Sorry to be harsh but do your research before you buy.
  10. audisteve

    My mandarin is shooting slime

    Betacrash I'm not even going to get into specifics about this but if you don't have at least a 100 gallon tank with atleast 75 pounds of liverock that is atleast a year old ready for that Mandarin take it back to the pet store for a refund. And I beg of you please do your research before you...
  11. audisteve

    Lighting emergency!

    It's okay for the lights to be out for a little while, even the mighty oceans have cloudy days. But it is very important that when you upgrade your lighting to acclimate the tank to the new lighting. Use a towel for the first day or two to diffuse the new light. Just to correct a statement of...
  12. audisteve

    Bang!!!Yuma Question!!!

    If it is coming out of the "mouth" of the Ricordea it is just digested food. The mouth and the anus are the same organ. It like all other Corals have the same set up.
  13. audisteve

    Feeding SPS

    It depends on who you ask on what to feed SPS's. If you consult the marine biology books they state that SPS corals feed primarily on fish feces. Fish only digest about 20% of the food they consume, so the rest of the undigested food that sinks to the bottom of the reef and past the corals...
  14. audisteve

    SpS experts: lets play namy that coral!

    No that's a Montipora, most likely an Elkhorn variety of some sort. IMO
  15. audisteve

    Funny Commercial

    Man, Americans are sooooo uptight. I've seen a ton of European commercials and they are all funny and uncensored. Life is to short. It's funny to me that America is land of the free, yet we censor everything!
  16. audisteve

    ripped anenome

    99.99999999% of all ripped anenomes will die within a few days take it back and get a refund.
  17. audisteve


    Don't waste your time with GMail it's not secure.
  18. audisteve

    sea apple

    You need at least a 100 gallon tank that is very mature.
  19. audisteve

    well looks like theres another stupid movie

    Morals, which is better, to completely sensor your children from the "real world" or give the real world to them in a satire in which they can digest between what is right and wrong and make a sound decision for themselves. It’s that kind of “moral” thinking that made Looney Toons that most of...
  20. audisteve

    Medical Malpractice

    Ahhh yes the Malpractice discussion. Both of my parents are doctors; one is a child and adolescent psychiatrist and the other is a radiologist. Plus on top of that I run both of their Personal Corporations. I wanted so badly to become a doctor when I grew up, but after working in the field I...