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  1. audisteve

    What meats do you prefer?

    Filet all the way. And sometimes Wagu.
  2. audisteve

    speed of light

    Nothing is impossible, but some things are improbable. - Old Vulcan proverb. It's not that warp speed is impossible but faster than light travel is not probable. Our main form of fuels we use are fossil fuels. If we expect to travel near light speed we need different ways of propulsion. We...
  3. audisteve

    speed of light

    Mass becomes infinite becuase the energy required is infinite. If you took a rubber ball and made it travel the speed of light you would need to expend all energy in the universe to do so including the ball's energy as well. This is proven using E=mc2. But this is problematic since in recent...
  4. audisteve

    speed of light

    What I find to more interesting is at that speed mass becomes infinite.
  5. audisteve

    lunar lights affect fish?

    The real effects are unknown, but I would have at least some down time at night. My moon lights turn on an hour before the Actinics turn off then shut off at one in the morning and turn back on at five in the morning.
  6. audisteve

    What's your favorite line from a movie?

    Simpsons: Homer in a sarcastic voice: Yes! Marge, while I’m at I’ll hug and kiss the poisonous snakes, hug and kiss the poisonous snakes. Family Guy: (Peter Griffin falls off the kitchen table out of sight, as Lois Griffin enters the room.) Peter: Lois, get the Medical Dictionary and look up...
  7. audisteve

    Bought the New 7 Series

    Euphoria: Audi is kicking some Le Mans Le Ass. The reason is the quattro drive nothing drives better than a quattro system. My parents drive E320's with the 4Matic, they have both lost control of thier cars while driving high speeds on snow and ice. I my self have not lost control yet. Not...
  8. audisteve

    License plate suggestions!!

  9. audisteve

    Bought the New 7 Series

    Even though I am an Audi Fanatic, I'll say that BMW's are nice cars...for California. I live in Nebraska where it snows, and after a nice 6 inch dusting it's just the 4x4 Trucks and the Audi's out on the road, moving along just fine. We do have to be careful to watch out as not to hit the...
  10. audisteve

    Clam at a 45 angle!

    I just got a new Crocea clam about 3.5 inches long. I set him in the sand pretty close to my Maxima. My Maxima moved 180 degrees to find his happy place, but my Crocea keeps snapping his shell and blowing himself over to a 40 to 45 degree angle. Every time I stand him up straight he huffs and...
  11. audisteve

    Is my Brain hurt? Pic inside

    It's going to die check your water perameters daily and pull him if any thing goes ary.
  12. audisteve

    My new Yasha Haze Goby...

    I have had the fish for about a week and it eats constantly. It paired up with my candycane pistol shrimp instantly. They are a comical fish that loves to follow me around.
  13. audisteve

    World's Biggest/Most Expensive Reef Tank

    About a year and a half ago I found this website that profiles business's tank's. The largest one was a 16,000 gallon cylentrical tank that rose 3 stories high. The tank was a center piece of the building and the stair cases wrapped up and around the tank.
  14. audisteve

    Good Price on RBTA

    Is $40.00's for a RBTA about 3 to 6 inches a good price for a RBTA.
  15. audisteve

    My 12 gallon jbj Nano, what do you think?

    Take the Mandarin back to your LFS before it dies. I know you are not going to want to hear this but trust me hear are the facts for keeping any dragonet. At a minimum this is what you would need: At least 100 pounds of liverock. A sufficent and stable pod population. And the most important is...
  16. audisteve

    Largest Fish

    I'm not sure about size on these fish. But I do know that some Angels can live 60 years or longer, but you have to assume that the life expectantcy of these fish are based on the one's that live in the wild. I would assume that if kept in the right conditions that these fish would probably...
  17. audisteve

    Curing LR smell

    The smell you've noticed is the Live Rock going through a natural die off period. The Nitrogen cycle is a smelly cycle in the beginning but once you've established a good bateria colony to handle the waste load the smell will deminish. If you have uncured live rock the process will take more...
  18. audisteve

    boxing crab?

    I have had two Boxing (Pom Pom) crabs for about a month and they are doing great. I have a 20G long and they both have their own side of the tank. When they do confront each other they have a quick little fight and they are back in their corners. I feed them brine shrimp flakes. I have had...
  19. audisteve

    RBTA Water Quality?

    Do RBTA's need perfect skimmed water quality?
  20. audisteve

    Feather Duster lost feathers

    They'll eventually grow back.