Hates Sushi the fish you currently own is an indian ocean trigger Melichthys Indicus, it is not a black hawaiian trigger Melichthys Niger. If you look at the link of the aquariums in the restaurant those are Black Hawaiian triggers. Very similar in appearance but the colors the hawaiian...
I don't mean to be the bearer of bad news but that is an indian ocean trigger, I thought the same thing when I bought mine. The genus name Melichthys Indicus. The black hawaiian/ Melichthys Niger. Here is a pic of mine that I had. You might be happy to hear this, the trigger you have, is...
My LFS also has a carpet under PC. It is probably about 1.5-2 feet across when fully expanded. They have had it for over 4 years. I also have a green carpet under 4X96 PC.
rbrockm1, that was a smart decision by not getting one. they get huge fast, along with their appetite. I haven't put anything in that tank that cowfish hasn't eaten. Wait until you are absolutely ready for one.
Yeah, I'm the cleaning crew along with 10 or so ginormous mex. turbo snails. Before my fuge my nitrates were at 80-90+ ppm, after fuge just got my water tested last weekend 15 ppm. :jumping: :cheer: Which = :happyfish
my whole setup ran me $2300,
price includes:
tank, stand, LR, LS, Protein skimmer, pumps, heaters, grounding probe, water, and I think that's it. Just the essentials.
the perks of knowing someone that is going out of business.
Some more of my sailfin after I turned my lights out. A before (with lights on) and after shot (with lights off).I guess if the tank goes dark she goes dark.
How's this guy for a community tank addition. As soon as my fiance' told me she didn't care if I got a clown trigger I jumped on it. I knew just where to get one, and I had one within the week. I love him. :jumping: Please excuse the wires hanging out, it was water change day today.
no the cowfish does not puff up. I have had him 2 1/2 yrs. now. He's great . Him and my puffer are best friends. Here's a pic of my porcupine. INFLATED and deflated