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  1. nel621

    Looking to start an aquarium

    send me a pm Im sell ing my 125g
  2. nel621

    Quick auto top off.why does it not work?

    I'm still here.Thanks for the reply.I think I'm going to silicone the top of the jug shut.The cap is very tight but why chance it.I will also try and resilicne the valve.Thanks
  3. nel621

    Quick auto top off.why does it not work?

    I am going away and decided to make an auto top off system.I am using a 5 gal water jug.I drilled a small hole and added a small hose to it on the bottom The top of the jug is seal so no air gets in.I turned the jug upside down to test it. No leaks or air bubbles.I placed the hose into a...
  4. nel621

    Do royal grammas not do well in hypo?

    Originally Posted by NanoMantis How large of a salinity swing was it and over what period of time did you do it? For the most they handle is moderatly well, wrasses however seem to do the worst IME. I lowered the salt over 3 days.It was very slowly.
  5. nel621

    Do royal grammas not do well in hypo?

    I have in hypo right now with 2 other fish.The RG either hides in a corner or behind a powe head.Sometimes he swims to very top of the water and just stays there.Is this fish not a good canidate for hypo? Water parameters are good.
  6. nel621

    Wrecked another one of my toys...

    Easy fix,no biggie.For $4 grand plus you can paint the car twice.I didn't see the rim but price also sounds like and insurance markup double price.A friend of mine drove his car under the rear of a truck,blinded by sun glare.damaged his hood ,fender,headlight, and a little of the front...
  7. nel621

    I need some fish

    So o you think I can do more than?maybe with some of the smaller fish like the goby.Keep in mind I do want a shrimp or two.
  8. nel621

    Some atheletes are clueless

    The guy needs to get better friends.Your real friends wouldn't take a picture of you then release it to the media.Pot, who cares.The guy has crappy "friends".
  9. nel621

    I need some fish

    Originally Posted by LKGRenegade22 You only want 5 fish in a 125G? I want more.But had I posted wth a larger amount I think the boards would go nuts!By the way the local FS had a nice pigmy angel today.They also had 2 small picassos.Would the picasso trigger get along with the previous list of...
  10. nel621

    I need some fish

    Nice selection! Any particular order?
  11. nel621

    I need some fish

    i have set up a 125g and after a couple of losses I only have 2 fish,both are cinnamin clowns.I have about 150lbs of lr.A huge w/d with skimmer.I need about 5 fish.I know the clowns are semi-aggresive.I also want to add a shrimp or 2.I really don't want too many small fish unless that means i...
  12. nel621

    New wet/dry for sump

    Originally Posted by meowzer this is a smaller version of what I ordered...It's a Sea life pro-series 300, which is not the same as a pro....(i'm being told) I have a similar set up,different maker.The hose from the over flow will go into or near the skimmer section.The return pump will go on...
  13. nel621

    How do you remove a drawer from a tool chest?

    Thanks will give it try in the am.
  14. nel621

    How do you remove a drawer from a tool chest?

    I got a good deal on a Craftsman tool chest.There are a bunch of sockets on the bottom of the cabinet under the drawer.I tried to release the sides without any luck,I also didn't want to damage the thing.Is there a trick to this?It seeems simple enough but I can't pry the sides loose.Thanks. Nelson
  15. nel621


  16. nel621

    Beware Y*** & C******* heating service

    Originally Posted by Darthtang AW Anyone ever heard of a quote before? I hear all kinds of excuses on both sides regarding this incident. Yet at no point did you ask for a quote. Had you done would have known up front and not been blind sided and could have said, "no thanks". and...
  17. nel621

    Beware Y*** & C******* heating service

    Originally Posted by renogaw the thread has calmed down a little, i'm ging to remove the name of the company so they dont have a beef with people can pm you for the name :) I still think the name should be posted.It is forum to exchange ideas and perhaps to help others who may be in...
  18. nel621

    Beware Y*** & C******* heating service

    Originally Posted by reefraff Not a crime to stop payment on a check? Someone better tell the courts that. Maybe there are some funky laws where you live but I have been involved in two cases where unhappy customers stopped payment. Not a good idea. Your one post shows a 95.00 service charge...
  19. nel621

    Beware Y*** & C******* heating service

    Originally Posted by mgatdog Did you get a movie,wine and dinner before the bill? LOL. Not even a kiss before i got s c r e w e d.
  20. nel621

    Beware Y*** & C******* heating service

    This company boasts they've been around since 1939.the good old days.