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  1. boom215

    if i get a snowflake?

    ... what type of other fish can i get in my 75 tank? i really want an eel but havent been able to find a good chart to see what goes with what?
  2. boom215

    Need LIghts!!

    forget that email its
  3. boom215

    Need LIghts!!

    I live in philly and need lights for my new 75 gal setup please post any lights anyone has for sale or email me at
  4. boom215

    How many powerheads for a 75 reef?

    so i need my wet dry plus hang ons?
  5. boom215

    How many powerheads for a 75 reef?

    now i have a q? i have a sump and one pump to get the water back, a mag 7. the guy at the store told me that turning it over about x's is good. i have a 75 gal tank. so he was lying? how do you set up more pumps? i dont have my tank set up yet, buying materials as i get the mula.
  6. boom215

    Live Sand

    when i was at my LFS the "helpful" person told me not to get live sand at all it was too fine and i wouldnt be able to clean it only to get this bag of carib sea argonite sand b/c that was a large enough grain for me to vacuum. and then i asked if i was to add LR would my sand become "live"...
  7. boom215

    Live Sand

    I have read and read and read and every time i get more confused when i read about sand. All i want to know is what sand i will need for my 75 gal. mainly fish some inverts, can i do that? By what kind i mean i dont know what arganite is, and what grain, and what the viniger test is. Just...
  8. boom215

    new tank Q?

    i have a 75 gal tank and i like every single fish there is, but i figured i would like to try and go agreesive. So what i am asking is what type of fish yous would suggest with my tank size, i dont have it set up yet so i dont have anything in there at all im asking all these Q's before i set...
  9. boom215

    Live sand Q?

    Also i was told by the LFS that i only wanted LS if i was to do a reef but i dont like the way CC looks. So i dont need all of it to be LS right away it will eventually become LS? i plan on goin about 2in i guess?
  10. boom215

    Live sand Q?

    also this might be a dumb question but thats why im here.. what is a RO? reverse gigga what?
  11. boom215

    Live sand Q?

    If i have a 75 gal tank and am just starting how much LS should i get? What type of other sand can i use? Does it all have to be LS? i have no idea, you would never guess ive been reading up on this kind of stuff for about a month.... duh
  12. boom215

    Help with setup?

    also can i get an eel? :confused:
  13. boom215

    Help with setup?

    I just purchased a 75 Gal tank after getting bored of my 29 gal freshwater. After starring at the salt water tanks long enough i decided to get a new tank and go with saltwater. I have my wet/dry already and a skimmer which i didnt hook up yet. but my real question is what kind of fish should...