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  1. estein02

    My First Fish!!!

    Originally Posted by ophiura Frankly, I am not bothering with any more advice. Either people care before hand, or they will learn to care at some point. No point whatsoever in posting anything else... It's amazing how many posts from a different variety of people a person like this gets...
  2. estein02

    Fish List for 65g FOWLR

    That is good...I like the preculas. Should they be added before the wrasses or is my order okay?
  3. estein02

    Who has the best Aquascape?

    Originally Posted by WHO DEY why not this pic is really old that's funny nice tank! GO RAVENS!
  4. estein02

    Fish List for 65g FOWLR

    Originally Posted by estein02 So how does this revised list look? I'm not certain about the order so any input is appreciated. 1. Pair of Carpenter's Flasher Wrasses (can these both be added at the same time? If not I read that the female should be added first) 2. Pair of Percula Clowns 3. Gold...
  5. estein02

    Contest-Who has the most colorful reef

    I think it looks kinda cool!
  6. estein02

    Contest-Who has the most colorful reef

    Originally Posted by murph145 i think i shall enter since there is no prize attached This maybe a stupid question,but what is in the middle of your tank at the back? Is that an overflow with a bunch of bubbles?
  7. estein02

    Fish List for 65g FOWLR

    Originally Posted by GatorWPB I cant comment on some of your fish, but I have a 65 and I can tell you about my fish. I did want a hawkfish, but I love my shrimp too much for them to be dinner. Fish and order added: Pair of Onyx Clowns (percula variant) Banghai Cardinal Blue-green Chromis...
  8. estein02

    Fish List for 65g FOWLR

    So how does this revised list look? I'm not certain about the order so any input is appreciated. 1. Pair of Carpenter's Flasher Wrasses (can these both be added at the same time? If not I read that the female should be added first) 2. Pair of Percula Clowns 3. Gold Assessor Basslet 4. Lawnmower...
  9. estein02

    some shots of my corals...No 56K

    I'm just as envious of your photography skills as I am of your tank...great pics. How are you able to post such large pictures and more then 5?
  10. estein02

    sunday afternoon 13 pack

    Murph...I read another post that mentioned your tank and now I see why...just beautiful man! I'm just getting started (65g FOWLR) but seeing your tank makes me want to turn mine into a reef tank. Really...very nice!
  11. estein02

    pH Fluctuations?

    Originally Posted by MichaelTX the added flow wont hurt anything. do you have a sump or fuge? if you do the alternate your lighting when the display is on the fuge is off and when the display is off the fuge is on. This will help keep the flucuations in check. Mike I have a fuge...
  12. estein02

    pH Fluctuations?

    Guess I could try. Cat hair falling into the tank can't hurt anything...can it? Do you know if Home Depot sells the egg crate?
  13. estein02

    pH Fluctuations?

    Originally Posted by HatesSushi A reading of 7.9 is not really low. Please understand that Ph should be kept as stable as possible. A swing of more than .2 in a 24 hr. period is probably worse then having the pH at 7.9. Ocean water pH runs anywhere from 7.6 in the open sea to 8.4 in the reef...
  14. estein02

    Fish List for 65g FOWLR

    Originally Posted by estein02 So how does this list look? I'm not certain about the order so any input is appreciated. 1. Pair of Carpenter's Flasher Wrasses (can these both be added at the same time? If not I read that the female should be added first) 2. Pair of Percula Clowns 3. Gold...
  15. estein02

    Green Mandarins

    Originally Posted by 05xrunner Here is mine WOW...they are great pictures of a great looking fish! I've been toying with my DSLR attempting to get good pictures but I am not as successful as you. Are there typical settings that you use when photographing your tank?
  16. estein02

    pH Fluctuations?

  17. estein02

    Sediment on Top of Water?

    If I add a maxi-jet mp400 that will get me to about 1,450 gph of waterflow. I could put it on the same side of the tank as the mp1200 and just point it up. I've got some rippling of the surface now...guess it's just not enough. Thanks for all of the help.
  18. estein02

    bjsbargain's tank

    Your tank looks the flame angel!
  19. estein02

    Fish List for 65g FOWLR

    Originally Posted by tmy880 I have the same size tank. I added the clean up crew first. Then 2 false perculas Then a Golden Headed Goby Then six line wrasse Then 4 Green chromis and finally for NOW Royal Gramma. Royal Gramma and 1 Green Chromis are dead....not sure why probably picked on by...
  20. estein02

    Fish List for 65g FOWLR

    So how does this list look? I'm not certain about the order so any input is appreciated. 1. Pair of Carpenter's Flasher Wrasses (can these both be added at the same time? If not I read that the female should be added first) 2. Pair of Percula Clowns 3. Gold Assessor Basslet 4. Lawnmower...