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  1. smokinstarfish

    micro bubbles in tank

    I'm going to borrow my friends digital camera and do a thread on my system.
  2. smokinstarfish

    OT - Your Desktop

    This is supposed to be a Mahi Tough fish in Hawaii.
  3. smokinstarfish

    OT - Your Desktop

    This is a great white off the coast of Africa.
  4. smokinstarfish

    OT - Your Desktop

    This is a Leafy Sea Dragon seahorse. Isn't it amazing?
  5. smokinstarfish

    OT - Your Desktop

    This is supposed to be an amenome crab from Bali, Indonesia. Does anyone have one or is this just a wild-only type critter?
  6. smokinstarfish

    Just how addicted are YOU? Admit...

    You folks all are obsessed. Now I got to go out and pick up some of that merchandise. Not that I'm hooked myself... yeah okay maybe I'm a little. I want a fish floor mat and fish stickers. Perhaps a fish shower curtain... that would be neat. Oh, and a matching fish shower mat. I can take baths...
  7. smokinstarfish

    this may be a stupid ? but...

    Now I have a question. I'm looking for Southdown or aragonite sand in my area. Is Southdown a type of an aragonite or a brand name of an aragonite?
  8. smokinstarfish

    critters in my tank!

    I don't know exactly what they could be, but you'll get all kinds of hitch-hiking critters from LS and LR.
  9. smokinstarfish

    went to deathco today for kicks

    It's not like that here either. No wait, Petcetra does.
  10. smokinstarfish

    Any cats caught in the act pics?

    Banshee, beautiful cat. I put chairs out especially for my little ones too.
  11. smokinstarfish

    20 Gallon powerhead suggestion?

    Yup, those too!
  12. smokinstarfish

    which to add first maroon clown or coral beauty?

    Plus, coral beauties need more established tanks anyway.
  13. smokinstarfish

    Is lfs live sand really LIVE sand?

    You probably went through that mini-cycle because of die-off. Are you familiar with overflow boxes?
  14. smokinstarfish

    Megalodon... Imagine!

    The little tooth was actually as big as the hugely-over-exaggerated Jaws movies! Snakes'n'fish, I'm unofficially nominating you to be this site's megalodon guy. I just eat this stuff up... tell more... how much did it weigh compared to a great white? Why did it go extinct? Or did it just evolve...
  15. smokinstarfish

    EXTREME Fish Nominations here...

    I know some people who think the most extreme fish would be a Siamese fighting fish! I'm like, "Nooo..." Doesn't anyone have sharks with a more dangerous bite than a puffer? Sharks bigger than a nurse shark? Something more boring than an eel? Something more exciting than a shoal of chromis? Does...
  16. smokinstarfish

    snowflake eel in a 55?

    That's why I said a 48" long is minimum... a 30g tank like already stated is to survive not thrive.
  17. smokinstarfish

    20 Gallon powerhead suggestion?

    Definitely Hagen AquaClear 201.
  18. smokinstarfish

    went to deathco today for kicks

    If ***** is anything like Petsmart, you're right... their fish often die shortly after purchase because of the shock of going from poor water to good water. In cases like that, I'd think it would pay to mimic the poor water conditions of the certain LFSs in question in your quarantine tank and...
  19. smokinstarfish

    OT:Mind control

    Thanks, I thought I was just some weirdo with a brain they're going to dissect when I die because I can perform any variation of this task. I first hypothosised that it was because my IQ was in the top five-per-cent, but then thought, nah, it's just too easy to do. Sorry about science...
  20. smokinstarfish

    this may be a stupid ? but...

    LS is super-expensive. Only buy a few pounds. Buy 4" of Southdown or aragonite sand from a hardware store for a fraction of the price and "seed" it with the LS. After six months, you'll have a several-hundred-dollar DSB.