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  1. alabama reefer

    live rock---help---please

    That question can't be answered because there are a lot of variables. Has your tank already been running or where you waiting on that live rock you had in the container? How much live rock and live sand will you have in your tank? It could take as little as a couple of weeks or months. It...
  2. alabama reefer

    live rock---help---please

    If there is anything in your tank now, then NO I wouldn't put that rock in my tank until it was recured. If you put that rock in there now "as is" it will start the cycle process over again.
  3. alabama reefer

    can i break up my live rock

    Like Vamp said I would say it is more than likely a bristle worm but if you give a little more description of what you saw that would help. Welcome to the hobby where you get a daytime show and a totally different nightime show.
  4. alabama reefer

    LTA Question

    Thanks Lex. The clown fish aren't abusing in fact one of the clowns will rub on the base and the foot of the anemone and it will stretch out 7-8" inches tall while laying on its side. It seems to be stimulated by the clown. I was hoping there was something else I could do. I guess it is just a...
  5. alabama reefer

    LTA Question

    I have been in reefs for a few years but never dealt with an anemone of my own. I received my LTA on Wednesday (drip acclimated) and it has yet to attach it's foot in the sand. I know he is stressed from his trip but the color in his foot and body look really good. He inflates well but just...