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  1. alabama reefer

    How do you clean your filter socks?

    I turn mine inside out and wash on hot and rinse on cold in a washing machine, I also add a little bleach. Let air dry outside after the final spin cycle.
  2. alabama reefer

    reef safe?

    I have had mine for a year in my reef. It has never messed with any coral or inverts. I have only read a couple of documented instances of them releasing toxin even with death. The biggest problem is the size they can get around 20". Mine has been a great addition and very personable.
  3. alabama reefer

    new coral w/ pics please ID! advice!

    Originally Posted by VALgae looks like alevopora to me. difficult species to keep but its been done before good luck! I agree. The tentacles will extend out longer as it gets used to your tank.
  4. alabama reefer

    Does anyone have any Reef-safe Invert Suggestions?

    Peppermints do better in groups and for an added bonus they will feed your fish for you when they spawn.
  5. alabama reefer

    Does anyone have any Reef-safe Invert Suggestions?

    I have never had any problems with my Sally light foot crabs being to aggressive and they are really active. Peppermint shrimp are pretty cool as well.
  6. alabama reefer

    Just Got Some More Corals Need Names!

    Originally Posted by bpro32 The second pic looks like duncans... what do you guys think? Favors a duncan but all the ones I have looked at are on their own stalks.
  7. alabama reefer

    Missing Coral Banded Shrimp

    The LB nor the cleaner shrimp would of took him out. They are usually to big to hide long especially with their long antennaes.
  8. alabama reefer

    *****purple Fish?*****

    purple pseudochromis, purple dottyback and I think the blackcap basslet is purple.
  9. alabama reefer

    Just Got Some More Corals Need Names!

    First pic on left is a ricordia mushroom, beside it looks like a kenya tree. The last pic is some type of polyps.
  10. alabama reefer

    Need some coral suggestions

    I like the looks of the duncans. Thanks!
  11. alabama reefer

    Coral Suggestion

    I like the looks of the duncans. Thanks!
  12. alabama reefer

    Coral Suggestion

    Originally Posted by reefboy1994 i have some xenia and some singlaria??? that look nice and flow in the water really good I can't keep xenia alive. I did a search on singlaria and can't find any thing on it.
  13. alabama reefer

    Eggcrate - How should I cut it?

    Hack saw works well too.
  14. alabama reefer

    Coral Suggestion

    I am looking for a coral that likes moderate to strong flow. I am looking for something that flows in the current like the Elegance coral which is what I wanted until I read that they don't do well in aquariums. I have 440 watts of vho's and 2-400 watt mh's. I have a huge (50+ head) frogspawn...
  15. alabama reefer

    Need some coral suggestions

    I am looking for a coral that likes moderate to strong flow. I am looking for something that is flows in the current like the Elegance coral which is what I wanted until I read that they don't do well in aquariums. I have 440 watts of vho's and 2-400 watt mh's. Please help me out with some ideas.
  16. alabama reefer

    Has my tank finished cycling?

    Originally Posted by florida joe Patients my friend patients +1
  17. alabama reefer

    Feeding my new clowns

    I have yet to feed anything my wouldn't eat. Just to name some of the things I feed flake, pellets, brine, mysis and seaweed. Oh and my hand when I feed their anemone.
  18. alabama reefer

    falco hawk with flame scallops?

    My Falco has never bothered any of my inverts but I never had a flame scallop. However, when I bought the Falco from my LFS it was in a tank with three flame scallops and it never payed any attention to them. Sorry I can't help more.
  19. alabama reefer

    One Week

    Good luck! I think most people hit a few bumps when first trying to keep anemones, I know I did. It really is an awsome addition especially when your clowns host it and form their symbiotic bond. Nature never ceases to amaze me even in a semi-controlled environment like an aquarium.
  20. alabama reefer

    clownfish fry questions.

    This is the thread I was looking for earlier and finally found again. This would will help you more than me. - 275k