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  1. alabama reefer

    Chili Coral

    Mine didn't like a lot of light and pretty much withered away no matter where I put it. So I put it in my sump with no light and it is thriving. I have kept a lot more difficult corals easier than this one. IME
  2. alabama reefer

    clownfish fry questions.

    Rotifers are valuable live food for larval fish and crustacean culture. Several characteristics of rotifers, including their nutritional quality, body size and relatively slow motility have contributed to their usefulness as good prey for active larvae. The rotifer Brachionus plicatilis has been...
  3. alabama reefer

    clownfish fry questions.

    Take a look at this site it will answer your questions.
  4. alabama reefer

    Is this what I think it is?????

    Congrats Mine lay every 14 days at the same time of day. The eggs hatch on the 9th night. Clowns truely are the Swiss clock of the ocean(aquarium)
  5. alabama reefer


    There is no quick fix. You have to figure out what is fueling your algae growth. How old is your tank? How long do you leave your lights on? Age of your bulbs? Is your tank getting direct or indirect sunlight? Are you over feeding? Are you using RO/DI water for water changes? How often are you...
  6. alabama reefer

    will my clown hurt my coral?

    Nice I would definitely keep an eye on the candy cane because the clown will probably be rough on it. You may have to make a decision on which you want more the clowncandy cane.
  7. alabama reefer


    Originally Posted by Everest hmm thanks for the input.. although i've seen 14g bc's with 5 fish I'm not saying it won't work for you. As you learn very quickly in this hobby what works for some may not work for you and vise versa. I just wanted you to be aware that you could have nitrate...
  8. alabama reefer


    IMO, I think 4 fish in your 14g is going to cause some nitrate problems. I did maintain the Royal, Clown and Coral Beauty in a 29g and they lived in harmony but I don't know how they would do in tank half the size. I'm sure someone else will chime in and help you out more.
  9. alabama reefer


    Do a search on Cyano bacteria or A.K.A Red slime algae and you should find some useful info. A picture would help but it sounds like what you are describing.
  10. alabama reefer

    Long Horned Cowfish

    My cowfish competes pretty well for food although it is not graceful it uses the powerhead current to project it across the tank. He has been stressed to the extreme when he got stuck to the side of my powerhead (don't know how long) and part of his side fin was cut off. It regenerated the fin...
  11. alabama reefer

    Long Horned Cowfish

    I have had my Longhorn Cowfish for a year. It has not bothered any corals. He will graze on my live rock and eat cubed mysis and brine shrimp along with seaweed sheets. Definitely everyones favorite when they view my tank. I was leary of the purchase but glad I did it now.
  12. alabama reefer

    6-line wrasse post-mortem

    I would definitely make sure he didn't carpet surf. I don't how small your six-line was but the Falco and Royal could of done a pretty good job cleaning up the mess. I don't think you would get much of an ammonia spike from that fish being dead.
  13. alabama reefer

    bubble algae?

    Sounds like bubble algae. If you only have a few and you can get to it just manually remove them but be careful not to bust it in your tank because it will release spores and spread.
  14. alabama reefer

    Best way to thin out xenia?

    Put it in my tank because I can't keep it alive.
  15. alabama reefer

    Quick BioCube 29 Question

    Just pop the little grating out of the 1st chamber by pushing on one side of it or use a coat hanger and slide it through one of the slots and pull it up. Real easy and gives you enough room for your heater.
  16. alabama reefer

    Acclimating inverts....

    No, most inverts you acclimate just like you would your fish. Starfish are an exception and need a very slow acclimation.
  17. alabama reefer


    Depends on the coral. If the clownfish is rough it could cause harm to the coral. You just have to monitor and you can tell if the coral isn't doing its usual thing. You could try moving the coral to a different spot in the tank if you are concerned. This doesn't mean the clownfish won't find it...
  18. alabama reefer

    Is this normall????????

    Emeralds take the blame for a lot of kills when all they are doing is cleaning up the mess.
  19. alabama reefer

    White stuff coming out from my anemone

    Never witnessed that first hand but from what I have read it is one of the ways they try to reproduce.
  20. alabama reefer

    what is this?

    I would manually take it out if you can do it without busting it. Busting it will release spores and induce spreading.