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  1. alabama reefer

    little white things on glass

    Fairly new tank? I would say copepods. Yes, you want them.
  2. alabama reefer

    Emerald Crab Agressive Towards Fish?

    Unless you actually witnessed the shredding I wouldn't think so. In my experience the emerald gets the benefit of some attacks or kills when all it is doing is cleaning up the mess. Not saying they won't grab a fin of a fish that gets to close but the emeralds are usually to busy doing their own...
  3. alabama reefer

    false percs and my bta

    Originally Posted by chris0799 is there a certain spot u have to put the picture? I taped the pic close to where the anemone was and the clowns found the pic really quick. My clowns were aquacultured and had never seen an anemone. As I stated above I can't say the pic worked but I can't say it...
  4. alabama reefer


    No, the live rock will be fine. What are you moving out of and moving into gallon wise?
  5. alabama reefer


    Transfer the live rock first and that will make it easier to catch the fish. Just remember you will have to acclimate your fish to the new tank water.
  6. alabama reefer

    Nitrate help

    Cutting down on feeding if you were overfeeding will help and getting a little more regular on water changes would definitely help.
  7. alabama reefer

    115 gallon tank, how much is to much?

    That is a very broad question. It depends on the type of fish, filtration, skimmer, etc... As you can see there are a lot of varibles.
  8. alabama reefer

    Nitrate help

    What are you calling a High nitrate problem? What reading are you getting?
  9. alabama reefer

    pvc colors

    Acrylonite-Butadene-Styrene (ABS) pipe is more of a blue/green color.
  10. alabama reefer

    Simple question about feeding fish

    A varied diet is good. I feed every other day so they can get some excercise hunting their own food on the days I don't feed. Just be careful of overfeeding because that is an easy to do problem that has long term issues.
  11. alabama reefer

    2 Blue Hippos okay?

    I am not going down the "your tank is not big enough road" but I will say if you add another hippo you might end up with one or possibly none, IMO.
  12. alabama reefer

    Anemone help, he is hiding

    The LFS usually don't keep anemones under the mh lighting and from what you have described it seems to be a reasonable explanation as to why it is hiding. As it becomes acclimated to your new lights it will come out in the open. Good luck!
  13. alabama reefer

    lawnmower blenny

    I don't see it being a problem but as with any fish sometimes it is hit or miss on how they will react. You said you had an outlet with another tank so I would give it a whirl and see what happens.
  14. alabama reefer

    Anemone help, he is hiding

    LT anemones prefer the sand bed to take root. A picture would be great if possible? How does his coloring look? Are the clowns trying to host it? I would have to say there is some lighting issues with it since it is retreating under the rocks. If it is bleached it will take a little time before...
  15. alabama reefer

    Aiptasia Advice!!!!

    From what I have read Aiptasia X or Joe's Juice works pretty well. I put a few peppermint shrimp in my aquarium and they erradicated the few I had in there. Since your tank is not cycled yet I would stay away from the peppermints.
  16. alabama reefer

    Chromis Long Term?

    I have had three together for two years next month. No problems at this time but we all know how that can change in this hobby.
  17. alabama reefer

    Why all this algea

    I run my vho's for 10 hrs but only run my halides for 4hrs. If you are running your halides 10-12hrs then I think that is a little long, IMO. I don't know what corals you may or may not have but cutting back on some lighting hours will help your bloom if that is what is causing it.
  18. alabama reefer

    lawnmower blenny

    Never had the goby. My LB will harass any new rock or bottom dwelling fish for the first day. Nothing leathal just a little tough love and then he tends to his own business. BTW mine is in a 150gallon.
  19. alabama reefer

    too many fish for a 90?

    +1 Seems to be a light bio load.
  20. alabama reefer

    Question about buying fish online

    I always have mine shipped to work so someone will be there to sign for them. I start the acclimation process when I get off and get home around 3:15 pm. I have not had any problems doing it that way.