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  1. alabama reefer

    Pumps on or off during feeding

    I can't agree with the over feeding without more specifics such as: fish load and how much is actually being fed.
  2. alabama reefer

    introducing clownfish to a tank

    Yes. IME, It tends to work better if one is bigger than the other. They will co-exist and could end up being a mated pair like mine are now.
  3. alabama reefer

    Pumps on or off during feeding

    Food going through your powerheads will cause some small particles to float in your water. As new as your tank is the cloudy water is probably caused by some type of algae bloom but the new powerheads you added could be stirring up your sand bed causing the cloudiness as well. However there are...
  4. alabama reefer

    what do fire shrimp eat?

    Mine also eats with the tank mates. He seems to enjoy the pellet feeding the most and stays in an area where a few pellets make it to the sand and then scoops them up. They seem to be very opportunistic feeders in my experience.
  5. alabama reefer

    One more try on a LTA

    Thank you. Yes, but the picture really doesn't show how green he really is. I have personally never seen a LTA this color until this one. Lex, I would not of risked another try if I thought my water parameters or environment were not suitable. The shape the last anemone was in when it arrived...
  6. alabama reefer

    One more try on a LTA

    Thanks Lex. No I didn't. Figured it was severly stressed after being shipped because this one is a 180 degrees from the last one up to this point. I also went and picked this one out instead of trying to order another online.
  7. alabama reefer

    One more try on a LTA

    Decided to get this large green LTA and give the anemone thing one more try. Unlike the last one this guy planted his foot and has been there for the last two weeks. Clowns have taken to him well. He is about the size of a baseball cap when expanded. So far so good but time will tell.
  8. alabama reefer

    Another Lawnmower Blenny Question

    Mine eats nothing except what grows on the rocks, sand or glass. Never seen him eat anything I feed the tank, algae sheets included. These are very active fish so weight gain is a slow process unless he pigs out like Reefiness' LMB.
  9. alabama reefer

    Lawnmower Blenny

    Not a good idea IMO. I don't know what size tank you have but mine is 150g and I wouldn't try it. The only fish in my tank that my LMB hates is my Falco Hawkfish and they look nothing alike but I guess because he hops around on the rocks like the blenny he just takes shots at him from time to...
  10. alabama reefer

    Stocking List?

    I never had a flame angel(may need a little more room). I had the coral beauty and the rest of your list in a 29g. Everything got along very well. Stock list looks good (except for maybe the Flame) but just add your fish over a decent time span because levels can change rapidly in a 29 if you...
  11. alabama reefer

    Which fish?

    Never had a pygmy but love my Royal Gramma. Nice colors and a lot of personality once it gets used to your aquarium.
  12. alabama reefer

    BTA question

    BTA's are usually live rock planters so if I helped it any I might set it on the rock. It is going to move where it wants to be either way.
  13. alabama reefer

    What to do???????????

    Drain all the water you can out of it and put it in a couple of buckets. Then sell it as dead sand. Then whoever buys it can rinse it. Around where I live it is ( .50/pound). It makes a great base and then just mix some live sand in with it when the tank is started.
  14. alabama reefer

    Blenny (LMB) question

    Sometimes I can easily overlook mine because he is a master of blending in with the rock and even lightens up when he hanging out around the sandbed. He just never stays hid long because he is constantly working around the tank. If everything looked good during acclimation and nothing in the...
  15. alabama reefer

    Blenny (LMB) question

    I have the brown colored lawnmower and he has never buried in the sand. Mine is very active and scared of nothing so he never hides. He may not be visible because he is in the rock work doing his job. The fact that he went a whole day without moving would bother me though because when the lights...
  16. alabama reefer

    Newbie Question

    Guest = someone that visits the site and is not registered Member = someone that is registered (like yourself and can post or reply to threads) Mod = someone who regulates this site (for spam, trolls or misinformation) Don't know how to become a mod they will have to answer that.
  17. alabama reefer

    cleaner crew???? questions

    In that case you probably won't experience an ammonia spike. The established live rock you put in there has enough bacteria on it already to handle the ammonia and nitrites and turn it into nitrates. I did a simular thing when I started my tank years ago. You should be good to go with a small...
  18. alabama reefer

    cleaner crew???? questions

    Why risk it when you more than likely don't have the algae growth to support the crew yet? If you have your ammonia spike with the crew in there then there will be casualties.
  19. alabama reefer

    Aquarium Overload? Please Help!

    Personally I think the Emperor will be too much fish for what you already have in the tank. The Mandarin needs a lot of live rock to forage through for copepods. If you don't have a refugium where these copepods can multiply unmolested then eventually your Mandarin will starve. I guess...
  20. alabama reefer


    Royal Gramma. Mine is one of my favorite fish.