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  1. wfd1008

    when does life begin?

    Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici "When Does Human Life Begin? There is a tremendous consensus in the scientific community about when life begins. This is hardly controversial. If the claim were made that life was discovered on another planet, for example, there are well-defined criteria to...
  2. wfd1008

    Happy, Happy Clown

    good pic!!!
  3. wfd1008

    help me fast

    what's the temp. in the tank? do you have a heater, it might have shorted.
  4. wfd1008

    does anybody know what this is?

    find cranberry, i think he/she is making a hitchhiker thread with photos.
  5. wfd1008

    most epic-est reverse prank call EVER.

    that was freaking awesome!!! that should guy should get an award.
  6. wfd1008

    ID please...possible pest?

    you could try a fresh water dip. had a ricordia rock with some on them and after a few seconds in the fresh water, they came right off.
  7. wfd1008

    Smahing Live Rock

    try it and see how it looks. kinda expensive IMO, cause LR isn't cheap (atleast around here), but i don't see where it could hurt.
  8. wfd1008

    Non offensive swear wordss. Mod friendly thread.

    Originally Posted by wfd1008 I think [hr] [hr] could fit in there somewhere. Don't you think What happened here, cant say [hr] now, or [hr]
  9. wfd1008

    Non offensive swear wordss. Mod friendly thread.

    I think [hr] [hr] could fit in there somewhere. Don't you think
  10. wfd1008

    Things you should never say out loud around your wife

    Originally Posted by meowzer I have to stay out of this one....(as a wife) I could name a thousand oh come on, this is an educational thread we need to know what not to say
  11. wfd1008

    question for the christians

    Originally Posted by PEZenfuego If you use the right words, it is easy to convince somebody of something that is complete BS. Honestly it isn't that hard to do. Well spoken, the first thing that comes to mind here are LFS
  12. wfd1008

    Things you should never say out loud around your wife

    Originally Posted by socal57che ................ ................. .................. ........ ..... ........... ... ......... ..... ........ ..... ... ............... my wife might be looking over my shoulder... classic
  13. wfd1008

    family guy

    What? you don't like family guy?
  14. wfd1008

    Challenge...To all SWF members...
  15. wfd1008

    Things you should never say out loud around your wife

    So what should you just keep to yourself when your wife is around? "Now that is one hot cheerleader." Anyone else?
  16. wfd1008

    would a peppermint...

    i think peppermints fall in the same area as a damsel. some people love them, and just as many hate them. i had three in one tank and it was like putting a wolf pack in the same pen as a bunch of lambs. other then eating aptasias, i really don see too much use for them. in your case, i would...
  17. wfd1008

    How Small Can I Go?

    Originally Posted by woody189 W/ 36" space you could go w/ a 46 gallon Bowfront. The front glass is curved so your tank looks deeper. I too just started (1 yr ago) and this 46 gal tank is my first. I started w/ FOWLR, but just 2 days ago I purchased my first mushroom. I've read a couple bad...
  18. wfd1008

    How Small Can I Go?

    one good thing about a nano is every thing you need to get started comes in the set up ( filter, pump, lights), and looking around, you can find a good price on one. you won't be able to keep big, or alot of fish in them, but even with a 40-50 gal, you can keep a heck of alot of fish either...
  19. wfd1008

    The "Californian" Stereotype

    what kills the image of everyone from cali are the celebs that you see being a jack-hole all the time on the tube. also it doesn't help much that you all look at everyone else as "those damn easterners".
  20. wfd1008

    Missing Lawnmower Blenny

    do you have a top on your tan? he could have jumped out. i heard that a sally light foot would get fish if the crab was big enough, i have no first hand experience on the crab, just what i've heard. on the jumping, i have had fish jump out the tank.