help me fast


woke up to a tank full of dead fish the living ones look tobe breathing real hard. i have no test kits,the only new thing is a canster filter added last night ad a power head. wht cld have happined

crypt keeper

Active Member
What test kits do you have if any? did you clean any of the new equipment? If you did what did you use? I would do a large water change if possible.


none i have a lfs only ten min a way and just never bought ony but a hydromder (sp) and tht level is good. i cleaned every thing with rely hot water like i was told to do and always have i am going to stast mixing 30 gal of watter in a unused bio cube in a few min


Active Member
you really need to get a test kit.
how old is the tank?how big,how many fish and what size?
how much flow might be an oxygen problem.
hydrometer is no where near accurate need a refractor
we cant help if we dont know anything .


well its my moms tank its 55gla i think 8 fish and its 4 or 5 months as for flow a koralia 2,uv sterlizer, and the outlet on the filter. every time water was tested it was good, and it was tested 4 days a go and it was good so lats night she spent well over 5 hund on new lights,filter and powerhead

crypt keeper

Active Member
What type of filter? what is it rated at? 8 fish. how big what type? sounds like your fish are oxygen starved. Get that water change going. Then go spend money on the most important thing in our hobby an ammonia test. ph test. trite and trates test.

naclh2o nut

Wow, sorry to hear it.
I would get some of the old water to the LFS for a test. See what is out of whack so this won't happen again.

If the water is ok, check for voltage from power head, filter or possibly lights. First thought is something is wrong with new stuff, may not be that at all. Did you put powerhead in and have it blow the bottom of tank around, could have caused an ammo. or trite spike!


its a marineland c-220 its 220 gph up to 55gal aquariums the fish are 1,lion 1, dog face 1 foxface dead 1 tang not sure what kind dead 1 coral beauty dead 1 valitne puffer dead and some damsles dead and a clarky clown and carpet nem still alive


Originally Posted by NaClH2O Nut
Wow, sorry to hear it.
I would get some of the old water to the LFS for a test. See what is out of whack so this won't happen again.

If the water is ok, check for voltage from power head, filter or possibly lights. First thought is something is wrong with new stuff, may not be that at all. Did you put powerhead in and have it blow the bottom of tank around, could have caused an ammo. or trite spike!

nope nothing got stired up no more than the usual when cleaning the sides. this may be a stupig question but wht do u mean by voltage like it shocking the water


Active Member
Posted in your other thread but here.
My suggestion for you would be to go here and read everything so that you have a better understanding of what you are attempting.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Most of those fish get way too big for that tank. That is a pretty aggressive tank with a bio load too big for 1 canister filter to handle. Have you ever seen a puffer poop? It looks like a cow just crapped in your tank. If your mother doesnt plan a bigger tank soon take the dog face and lion back to the store when you get water. They will both out grow that tank in months


Originally Posted by crypt keeper
Most of those fish get way too big for that tank. That is a pretty aggressive tank with a bio load too big for 1 canister filter to handle. Have you ever seen a puffer poop? It looks like a cow just crapped in your tank. If your mother doesnt plan a bigger tank soon take the dog face and lion back to the store when you get water. They will both out grow that tank in months
I don't think that matters anymore..he said those died, and all he has left is the clown and an anemone
BUT I agree with above posts...get your own test kit, and check that new equip.

crypt keeper

Active Member
I just read that over again. That sucks. Im betting on the water being oxygen deprived. Way too big and too many fish in such a small tank. I plan on 5 total in my 75 and only one gets over 6 inches and 3 out of the 5 dont get past 4 inches. He had fish that get over a foot long.
R you should only have about 4 or 5 smaller,less than 6 inches, in that tank. Go get a bigger filter and look into hang on the back skimmer. CPR BAK PAK 2 is a great one. This will help with keeping your water in good shape and apply more oxygen to it
Wow this is very sad to read. I would have to agree about the test kit. Your just going with luck without it and it seems your luck has run out.


i just want to say thanks for everyones help i got the water tested everything was perfect but one major thing it was very oxygen deprived and tht was my moms and myselfs fought.the lion and puffer are doing good now i put a airstone in there when i did my last post, but we are taking them back tonight when she gets home. the good news is i got a api master reef test kit and she is going to get a skimmer and do a reef tank. we just thought with our lfs being only 10min away a test kit wasnt worth it. i know i had no info this morning but everyone still did there best to help this is an awesome site with awesome ppl on it


Originally Posted by R-bond
i just want to say thanks for everyones help i got the water tested everything was perfect but one major thing it was very oxygen deprived and tht was my moms and myselfs fought.the lion and puffer are doing good now i put a airstone in there when i did my last post, but we are taking them back tonight when she gets home. the good news is i got a api master reef test kit and she is going to get a skimmer and do a reef tank. we just thought with our lfs being only 10min away a test kit wasnt worth it. i know i had no info this morning but everyone still did there best to help this is an awesome site with awesome ppl on it
I thought you said the lion and puffer died...


nope if i did i dint mean to it was early the lion,puffer,clown,and the nem are alive and the reef lobster i totaly forgot about is alive and one damsel everything els is dead it was a 120-130 loss just from our stupid thoughts i fell bad tht i killed the fishes it could have been provented,but we are thinking the loss was bigger than it could have been because the foxface poisend the other fish.......sory i am a bad speller


Originally Posted by R-bond
nope if i did i dint mean to it was early the lion,puffer,clown,and the nem are alive and the reef lobster i totaly forgot about is alive and one damsel everything els is dead it was a 120-130 loss just from our stupid thoughts i fell bad tht i killed the fishes it could have been provented,but we are thinking the loss was bigger than it could have been because the foxface poisend the other fish.......sory i am a bad speller
Well sorry for the ones you did lose, but at least you know that you had too much in there, and can adjust your stock accordingly.