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  1. camanuch

    Carribean Live Rock

    i just got in about 100lbs or carribian LR. you can see what it looks like here this is my new 30gal. the colors are amazing that i have cured for my 75 fowlr. if you need a place to get from let me know i will PM you the place where i got it from.
  2. camanuch

    Clean up Crew???

    thats alot of snails IMO. i would go with 3 turbo snails, 3 nasarius snails (sp?) for LS and about 5 hermit crab.. if you have corals make sure all is reef safe first. correct me if im wrong about this..
  3. camanuch

    Spiveys new 55g pics

    no cycle rock in seperate container like a big tuber ware container. use a PH and a heather. and let sit till ammonia trates and trites all become 0. the order will be ammonia will become 0 then nitrites will become 0 then nitrates become 0. im doing 70lbs LR in a 30 gallon tank for a reef and...
  4. camanuch


    update. ammonia is .25 today. i have to check my trites and my trates. on seperate LR amonia is 0. should i wait and test again tomorrw b4 adding to my 75 fowlr?? thanks
  5. camanuch


    here is an update on my tank. i have lights on 5hr cycle, amonia is .25ppm. got my skimmer tuned and skimming like a beast. i also have a question about my rock thats been curing in a seperate tub. the rock amonia is at 0 i tested today. should i wait and then retest tomorow. i have to...
  6. camanuch


    its going to be a reef tank. the only thing my girlfreind wants are clowns. coral i know nothing about. ( i am researching) as for reef safe fish im not sure (trying to research) non agressive.
  7. camanuch


    thanks cooper. come on guys any suggestions on live stock???? im open to all
  8. camanuch


    different sizes and i love them. i use them on all my tanks.
  9. camanuch

    CUC Question

    Originally Posted by sepulatian Invert have to be drip acclimated for at least three hours. They can and do die from acclimation shock. i stand to be corrected. i will be aclimating my CUC for 3hrs for now on. im sorry for the miss leading info. i was under the assumption that it was just...
  10. camanuch

    Another salt question

    um never waited any specific time. as long as the salt is disolved in the water you should be ok. actually is the rock fully cured or are you cycling a tank from scratch?
  11. camanuch


    Originally Posted by lightfrommoon Thats how mine are.... do you have any more night pics where its darker in the room? yours aren't as blue...? what kind of lights do you have? anyhow nice rocks! I have a desert tank right now until i can afford more rocks. the reason yours are blue is...
  12. camanuch

    CUC Question

    There is no reason to QT a CUC. Just temp aclimate and release into DT. Make sure all snails are right side down or crabs will eat them for there she'll.
  13. camanuch


    my lunar lights are in part with my regular light system
  14. camanuch


    will get a 15 gal WC ready for tomorrow. Even though it seams like it is on its way down do a water change? Like I said it started around 4.0 on Saturday. Yesterday it was 1.5... That seems a bit fast no?? I think I might get another spike. I'm not sure. Now is the live stock planning phase...
  15. camanuch


    ok will do that.... here is a pic with lunar lights water change how much is a good start?? 10 gallons, 15 gallons??
  16. camanuch

    Advice please from this board....Lighting

    i would go strictly t5ho.. i love them i got them on my 30 gallon reef. im still cycling but they light the tank up beautifully. if you want to see them go to my thread called aquascaping.
  17. camanuch


    also amonia is at 1.5 thiat is after 2 days with my filter and my protein skimmer going. it is down from saturday when it was 2.0-4.0 cant really tell with my tester.
  18. camanuch


    here is an updated pic of tank with substrate. 20lbs of reef sand
  19. camanuch

    Advice please from this board....Lighting

    that is early not enough in my opinion. i use 160 watt system on my 30 gallon. are you doing coral or a fowlr. for a fowlr the 48" AQUALIGHT - SINGLE LINEAR STRIP and the mh whould be enough. that setup with 2 or 3 48" AQUALIGHT - SINGLE LINEAR STRIP whould be nice for coral. anone else...
  20. camanuch


    yes black back ground. i got my LS and put it into the tank. i am waitnig for it to settle and thin i will be putting them up. MichaelTX what kinda of lights do you have on the tank now? there are 4 t5ho's. 39watts each. thats about 5.2watts per gallon. its actullay more because there is...