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  1. camanuch

    new tank up and runnin

    very nice i like the way that all looks... congrats
  2. camanuch


    i dont think that is enough light.... also what is your light cycle. not enough and no algae growth.. too much and crazy algae.. also whats your parameters
  3. camanuch

    live stock

    Originally Posted by cmaxwell39 Softies are anything that does not have a hard skeleton as was stated. Some examples would be zoos, leathers, green star polyps, mushrooms, etc. These are often considered some of the easiest corals to care for and most of the time require the least amount of...
  4. camanuch

    Week 3 Water Sample Results!

    if people have the same questions instead of flooding a forum with diferent threads y not post under the same one???
  5. camanuch

    Week 3 Water Sample Results!

    if people have the same questions instead of flooding a forum with diferent threads y not post under the same one??? lets all just get along.
  6. camanuch

    live stock

    hey guys looking for some live stock opinions. For some clarification what are LPS, SPS, soft corals, hard corals. New to the reef. Also I know I want to keep some clowns and some cucumbers. Thanks for the help. Lighting is 4t5ho's. 39watts each 30 gal tank Approx. 70lbs LR 20lbs LS
  7. camanuch

    Stupid question...but I'm new!!

    mine is screwed up under the inside lip away from any water
  8. camanuch

    Week 3 Water Sample Results!

    thanks sep I appreciate it.
  9. camanuch

    Week 3 Water Sample Results!

    Originally Posted by sepulatian Yes it is. Let it cycle through. There is no livestock in there right? no no livestock. Just LR and LS. I can't wait for this to be done so I can start to stock it. When all levels start to get normal what kind of CUC should I get?? It will be a reef tank.
  10. camanuch

    Week 3 Water Sample Results!

    since we are all talking about new cycle levels, my new 30 gal is now 3weeks old. Amm is 0 trite 2.0 trate 20 ph 8.2 cal 480 Dkh 12 phosphate 1.0 Should I be worried. I did a 12 gallon water chang and didnt see any difference in trites. Is this normal?
  11. camanuch

    wtb refractometer....

    pm me thanks
  12. camanuch

    lets see those RO/DI set-ups

    anyone have or used this Spectrapure RO/DI System 90gpd
  13. camanuch

    lets see those RO/DI set-ups

    hey guys any answer to my post up above. i want to buy a system but a little tight on cash....
  14. camanuch

    lets see those RO/DI set-ups

    that is a great design i think i am going to have to do something similiar. where did you get the rodi system from. also is there a difference in the systems for aquariums and regular ones from the depot?
  15. camanuch

    Help! Levels out of control!

    how deep was your sand bed???? thats the only thing i can think of. by disturbing the sand bed you could have released toxins into the water. but thats really from a DSB anyhting over 4inches
  16. camanuch

    Carribean Live Rock

    Plate like are the shelves that I made. Caribean rock is the most plate like rock.
  17. camanuch


  18. camanuch


    its nitrites not nitrates. I know the trates will go up but I think I'll let trites come down a little first. As for adding to tank if its an established tank I need to wait for everythi g to go to 0 first or am I wrong??
  19. camanuch


    ok amonia is 0 but my nitrites are high.... can i still put them into my established tank. or wait for it to come down.
  20. camanuch


    hey update nitrite is off the chart now. i am doing a water change and we will see from there. thats both the 30gal and the bin.