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  1. camanuch

    Water Change+salt

    Originally Posted by Jeffreyyy I did 48hrs only b/c I couldn't get my salt at the right level. But 24hrs with a powerhead and heater is the right amount. Make sure your salt level and temp. is the same as your tank. Jeff i agree 100 percent i do mine for 24hrs. both of my tanks are set at...
  2. camanuch

    rock from NC

    thanks alix i was thinking the same thing. do you think i am on a good schedual with the bleach??
  3. camanuch

    Doing a water change tomorrow

    how old is the tank?? also i would do more like a 50% water change especially if its a new tank with no Live Stock in it yet.
  4. camanuch

    rock from NC

    i really dont mind it turning into base rock at all because its going to be going into an established tank. thanks for the advice. anyone else with a different method?? or any experence with the way i mentioned or something similiar to that..
  5. camanuch

    rock from NC

    what can i use to clean the rock before the cycle. like soak it is a bleach to water mixture. like 5:1 or 10:1. any input would be great. here is what i was thinking. soaking in bleach mixture for 1 week. soaking in fresh water for 2 days then rinse soaking in fresh water for 2 more days then...
  6. camanuch

    rock from NC

    so its ok to use?
  7. camanuch

    rock from NC

    hey guys my mom just got back from our house in NC and found some great pieces of rock on the beach. i know its dry by now because its been out of water for close to 1 week. is it ok to use in my tank at home? also do i need to clean and cycle the rock? also would this be considered base...
  8. camanuch

    free items from

    what if they let you chose for a different level this way you have more of a list to chose from.
  9. camanuch


    by the way my girlfriend looked at a differnt pic of a flasher wrasse and loved it. so there will be a flasher somewhere in the mix.
  10. camanuch


    by the way my girlfriend looked at a differnt pic of a flasher wrasse and loved it. so there will be a flasher somewhere in the mix.
  11. camanuch

    live stock

    by the way my girlfriend looked at a differnt pic of a flasher wrasse and loved it. so there will be a flasher somewhere in the mix.
  12. camanuch

    live stock

    hey guys did a parameter check this morning: ph - 8.2 amm - 0 nitrites - .25 (down from like 2) this is starting to go great. i started ghost feeding on 4-25-08. thanks for all the help as soon as the nitrites are down to 0 i will do a 50% water change and then add CUC. dont think i am going...
  13. camanuch


    hey guys did a parameter check this morning: ph - 8.2 amm - 0 nitrites - .25 (down from like 2) this is starting to go great. i started ghost feeding on 4-25-08. thanks for all the help as soon as the nitrites are down to 0 i will do a 50% water change and then add CUC. dont think i am going...
  14. camanuch


    hey guys did a parameter check this morning: ph - 8.2 amm - 0 nitrites - .25 (down from like 2) this is starting to go great. i started ghost feeding on 4-25-08. thanks for all the help as soon as the nitrites are down to 0 i will do a 50% water change and then add CUC. dont think i am going...
  15. camanuch

    Is this possible

    i would recomend reef crystal salt. its packed full of trace elements.
  16. camanuch

    Cycling question

    well if you are going to ghost feed then feed as if you are feeding a couple of small clowns. i judge for mine as if i am feed 1 clown in my 30. so maybe do that for like 5 small clowns. i just started to ghost feed so im not sure really if im doing it right. lol... but thats what i have read.
  17. camanuch

    Is this possible

    you can have a bad batch of salt. this is not impossible. i would check your saltwater when you remix it the next time. if its still crazy hi then you have a bad batch.. also what are you planning to keep?? reef or FOWLR. if you are doing a reef then go with reef crystal for A FOWLR instant...
  18. camanuch

    Where am I in my cycle?

    nitrate will not harm the CUC if its not crazy high. i would not have added the cheato's this early. cheato's feed on light and nitrates. you need the nitrates to break down the nitrites. but if you havent had a ammonia spike i dont think you will have a nitrite spike. so im not really...
  19. camanuch

    Cycling question

    did you scrub the LR b4 adding it to the cycle. if you want to realy jumpstart the cycle buy 2 raw shrimp and add it to the system and let it just sit and decay in the tank. this will help spike the ammonia and help start the cycle. i dont think you really started the cycle yet..
  20. camanuch

    My 55 gal pics

    aquascape is a personal preferance.. be patient and just play around with it. you will find a really nice scene yahooo to my 200th post