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  1. camanuch

    Need help with tank temperature!!

    also it looks like you have a MH. try raising the light higher from the water. thats all i can think of. what is your heater set at. for that small of a tank you might not even need a heater depending on the size of the MH
  2. camanuch

    Need help with tank temperature!!

    you never top off with SW. only top off with treated water or RO/DI.. it doesnt look like a canopy is on your tank. when you need to top off just move the fan its actually quite simple. or if you have a sump top off through there..
  3. camanuch

    Recommend CUC ?

    if you do add a mixed CUC i add choped up silver sides to the tank so that my crabs always have something to eat. they dont tuch my snails at all. just enough to feed them. not enough to make a parameter change. do this like once a week..
  4. camanuch

    Need help with tank temperature!!

    what kind of lighting do you have. what kind of heater do you have?? try placing computer fans on top of tank. this will blow the hot air off the top. also how clase are your lights to the water??
  5. camanuch

    Heater In Sump?

    i have all of my equiptment in my sump/fuge. skimmer, heater, and thermometer. the only thing in my tank are the power heads.
  6. camanuch

    what would you do.

    i want to do reef. like scoppus said start as a reef and then add your fish. do alot of research then go from there. good luck with everything..
  7. camanuch


    here is mine
  8. camanuch


    hey guys i did a parameter test on sat after adding my CUC. ammonia 0 nitrite .25 nitrate 5 salinity 1.025 temp. 79-81 i use RO/DI water. been ghost feeding very little. also i was told that i should blend up some silversides and add to the tank for my hermits so they dont go after my...
  9. camanuch

    live stock

    hey guys i did a parameter test on sat after adding my CUC. ammonia 0 nitrite .25 nitrate 5 salinity 1.025 temp. 79-81 i use RO/DI water. been ghost feeding very little. also i was told that i should blend up some silversides and add to the tank for my hermits so they dont go after my...
  10. camanuch


    Originally Posted by florida joe 1 peppermint 2 emeralds 20 Nassarius and Cerith 5 turbo 5 margaritas 5 each of the hermits to start thanks joe. Picking it up today.
  11. camanuch


    Not too far from gunhill road. Hanks for all the help. Gunna get my CUC now. How many of each listed above to get?
  12. camanuch


    Originally Posted by florida joe I would like you to do me a favor of you can before you do your water first water change can you test your nitrates there have been post of these high number reading of nitrates right after a cycle which I just do not believe. IMO your nitrates at this stage...
  13. camanuch


    Originally Posted by florida joe I would like you to do me a favor of you can before you do your water first water change can you test your nitrates there have been post of these high number reading of nitrates right after a cycle which I just do not believe. IMO your nitrates at this stage...
  14. camanuch

    live stock

    Parameter update: ammonia 0 nitrite 0 Will do a 50% water change with my new RO/DI unit. After I will add small CUC. Need some help still with CUC
  15. camanuch


    Parameter update: ammonia 0 nitrite 0 Doing a 50% water change with my new RO/DI unit and then will add CUC. Any help in choosing ne would be great. Thanks
  16. camanuch


    parameter update: Ammonia 0 nitrite 0 didnt check nitrate but I'm sure its high. Going to do a 50% water change and buy a small CUC to start eating at some algae and let them start doing there thing. Any recomendations on one to start?
  17. camanuch

    rock from NC

    here are pics of the rock
  18. camanuch

    rock from NC

    Originally Posted by TeresaQ I have used a few pieces from the beach. I bleached them, boiled them, declorinated them, then cycled them. They have been in my tank for 2 yrs T what was the process of boiling and declorinating?
  19. camanuch

    rock from NC

  20. camanuch

    rock from NC

    well its going into a FOWLR tank. a little copper wont really do much dammage. so i dont need to go as crazy as i had listed??