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  1. xtremenemo

    yet again, lights for sale in michigan

    I live in kalamazoo and detroit,where do you live? I am interested in the lights.
  2. xtremenemo

    Stand Question

    so does the oak act as a dresser upper or (i know it is strong) does it act as a stronger reinforcement. I guess I am asking, what does the oak cover mean?
  3. xtremenemo

    180 not drilled

    the mag 7 should be good but if you ever want to upgrade or not run the pump at full throttle or have a lot of head pressure, I would go with the mag 9.5. get the mag 9.5
  4. xtremenemo

    Ray Question

    Harlequinnut, ok well now that you are here, I am getting a helequin tusk soon and i was wondering if there any things i need to know before getting one. I think I am getting one from australia. Well he be bad with the lunar wrasse and should I put him in a tank and add the lunar wrasse later?
  5. xtremenemo

    Ray Question

    ok I thought that this would be ok because the ray on Dr. Fosters (sorry swf) and they say that they get to be a max of 1 foot. and the puffers get to be 1 foot and 1 inch. So I thought that a ray would be fine. Sorry and help me if i am wrong on the info. sounds fishy to me.
  6. xtremenemo

    Stand Question

    ok i am building a stand for a 180 6x2x2 I got help from a guy (family) with experience building stands for heavy stuff and I wanted to check with anyone else about his work. I will post a pic soon and that will be easier to see. -the top and bottom have a sheet of ply wood 3/4''(covers the...
  7. xtremenemo

    Ray Question

    I was thinking about getting a ray for my new tank that will be up in a few weeks. Does anyone know if it would be good with a puffer, two triggers (huma and niger), tangs, a lunar wrasse? What ray should I look at and what price are they around? Any info would be good and pics would be even...
  8. xtremenemo

    180 not drilled

    so did you drill them or did you go with the overflow?
  9. xtremenemo

    180 not drilled

    I decided to go with an external overflow box. thanks novice
  10. xtremenemo

    Should I?

    what kinda tank is it?
  11. xtremenemo

    Michigan People

  12. xtremenemo

    Michigan People

    One word for the live rock......Tropicorium they have all rocks from cheap at 2 bux to 9 bux a lbs. try
  13. xtremenemo

    Michigan People

    have you bought a aquarium from california customs or a place on telegraph called jans tropical fish. If so, how is the aquarium, is it one that will not brake on me? thansk again.
  14. xtremenemo

    Hey tony

    what size is yours? the tank i mean.
  15. xtremenemo

    Free Achilles Tang Michigan Only

    no prob.
  16. xtremenemo

    Hey tony

    I think I am going with a lifereef overflow because it is a simple design and I always perfer the simple design. But I am getting a tank from a guy on telegraph called jans tropical fish. The company is called california customs. Have you heard about them or any other company that has had bad...
  17. xtremenemo

    180 not drilled

    I looked at the glass cutting bits and I was wondering if you could answer a few questions about them. How will I know if i am able to cut the glass? I do not trust the guy and I will not ask him. the company is called california customs and I have emailed them about it. Secondly, do I have to...
  18. xtremenemo

    180 not drilled

    did you get your tanked drilled or did you do an external overflow? I need some help on how to get the water out of this tank, thanks.
  19. xtremenemo

    180 not drilled

    Do you know if the tanks that he sells are good? I mean will the tank hold up? they are from california customs and they are suppose to be good.
  20. xtremenemo

    overflow question

    does any one have external overflow that works good? what happens when the power goes out and then comes back on after you lose suction. does the tank over flow? thanks