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  1. reefeel


    Ok, I got the Kent Phosphate Sponge. I am going to limit my frozen foord to every 4 days or so and feed more flake food. Is it okay if I use algae strips?
  2. reefeel


    Anyone else have any use with Marc Weiss phosphate magnet I don't want to go spend $30 for something that might not work.
  3. reefeel


    My water source is spring water but it gets sent through my Kold-Ster-Il. I top it off with water from the deionizer or our house reverse osmosis. I feed my fish various frozen food and some flake. My eel gets a finger-tip of shrimp evey 2-3 days whenever he comes out looking for food. Most of...
  4. reefeel


    I have a clean up crew-got a bigger one yesterday. My flow is good I have 4 centipeade returns each pumping out a little more then 200gph. I also have a Savio pushing out around 800gph. Sand bed is 3.75in deep.
  5. reefeel


    For months now I have been battling phosphates from an uknown source. My water has no phosphates going in but ends up with 4mg/L after a bit. My sand ends up turning a dark brown algae that spreads across my sand bed. I only feed my fish every 2 days and I have even tried phosban but nothing...
  6. reefeel

    Purple lobster & golden tail eel?

    Most likely your eel will kill the lobster.
  7. reefeel

    if i get a snowflake?

    My has been good with almost all fish but any members of the gobie family, and the dottyback family. He also ate me purple reef lobster. The only fish in my tank that he has problems with right now are my percula clowns, but thats because they torment him. They'll still his food off the feeding...
  8. reefeel


    I went to my lfs last weekend and they had 3 baby barracudas in a tank with other fish :scared: and people were actually buying them:scared:.
  9. reefeel

    Kenya tree?

    Mine closes up and shrinks whenever I mess with it.
  10. reefeel

    dirty sand

    I get a dark brown encrusting algae on my white sand. I have a clean-up crew that rarelly goes on the sand. So what I do is vaccum 1/4 of an inch of sand on the top and rinse it out.
  11. reefeel

    Great sand cleaners?

    I would live to add a goby but my tank is full and my eel eats anytjhing that is eel-like- I guess he is afraid everyone will forget about him. I have a yellow serpant and he dosn't do anything with the sand.
  12. reefeel

    Great sand cleaners?

    I have the same problem only mine is more of a brown algae I have 25 narsissasis snails and the do nothing.
  13. reefeel


    I HAD a purple reef lobster but my eel thought it would be a good dinner after a week.
  14. reefeel

    Whats in your tank??????????

    I have a 85 gallon which contains; 1 Longnose Hawkfish 3 Green Chromis 2 Percula Clowns 1 yellow tail damsel 1 Lemonpeel angel 1 Fourline Wrasse and finally my baby, a snowflake eel.
  15. reefeel

    400 Gallons.

    Ohh Ohh Ohh!!!!! get a school od heinous (SP) butterflies Or you could get a school of saddle butterflies.
  16. reefeel

    125 Gallon 4 month birthday

    reefeel, I posted abolve about the coralline, also make sure your watr is very stable that also helps. As for the sand, the same thing make sure your water is healthy and stable. I used to have a diamond goby help me out with the sand cleaning until he jumped into my overflow and got stuck in my...
  17. reefeel


    Just to let you know that the regal angelfish is just as hard to keep in an aquarium as a Moorish Idle if not worse, but that is from my sources.
  18. reefeel

    hnow soon does the order come from swf

    It is around 2-3 days. I ordered mine and got it a day later. Depends on their shipping load.
  19. reefeel

    Lemonpeel Angel not eating

    I got a lemonpeel angel 2 weeks ago from I have only seen her eat twice in front of me. She is in good health as I can see. She is really shy and hides if anyone approches the tank. Should I be worried?
  20. reefeel

    Rock in 220 agressive.

    Mine's only an 85 gallon. Yours is a lot bigger so you could do something like two trianglular islands with an open space down the middle-that is my favorite but here are some other configuartions from "The Consentious Marine Aquarist".