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  1. reefeel

    pH Still not right

    Yes I got a new one for X-mas a AquaC Remora.
  2. reefeel

    snowflake eel

    I cought mine munching on a snail that was flipped upside down but I think it was dead before. I tried a purple reef lobster with mine it was about 1/2 of my sfe size-he is just a baby, a fat one- and the lobster dissapeared 6 days latter the dumb lobster always went to his cave so he was sort...
  3. reefeel

    pH Still not right

    I got my new pinpoint pH moniter for X-mas and it agrees with my drip tests that my pH is only 7.9 in the day and 7.8 at night. My alkalinity is fine, my general hardness is fine, salinity, no ammiona or nitrites, and 15 nitrates. I have Arag-Alive Pacific Black Sand, use Supper Buffer dKH, and...
  4. reefeel

    Christmas Gifts

    I got a electronic pH tester, wireless thermometer, seio powerhead, AquaC Remora, and $125 in gift certificuits- already spent on a copperband butterfly, 12 nassisarus snail, and others.
  5. reefeel

    Eel Action

    What kind of eel is it? Looks like either a ghost eel or some sort of garden eel.:confused:
  6. reefeel

    lion and eel acclimation

    I would put the eels in a bucket and lions in a bucket. Then release the eels first then lions- don't want the lions to think they are being feed.
  7. reefeel

    Post Snowflake Eel Pics Here!

    It sounds like you are describing a chainlink moray, the Atlantic cousin of the snoflake eel.
  8. reefeel

    Pecula Clown finally enters the Anemone

    A little less then 4 months.
  9. reefeel

    Post Snowflake Eel Pics Here!

    Here is a full daylight picture.
  10. reefeel

    can eels get ick?

    If I recall from reading I think it said yes. A: They have no scales B: The have a slimy coat. Eels are one of the fish that usually only die of age, escape-a big one- and If they are hard to feed.
  11. reefeel

    Just A Thought

    My tank is from Tenecor and I love it. You could save over $1000 if you build your own stand and canopy and order just a tank.
  12. reefeel

    Some help on canopy! "NOT ENOUGH ROOM"

    You could get a compact fluorescent retrofit-that is what I have-and just screw it into the top of the canopy. You just need sunglasses when you open it.
  13. reefeel

    how to SFE proof my tank

    Is their any hole anywhere in the filtration?
  14. reefeel

    If you are keeping an anemone

    *Sebae anemone *Just about 4 months *85 gallon flat back hex (28x18x24) *4x65 watt Compact Fluorescents. 2 half 6700k 1/2 10,000k and 2 1/2 670nm 1/2 03 actinic. Actinic on for 12 hours others on for 8-9 hours. *Tank is almost 5 months old *Feed it shrimp or clams if eel dosn't steal it. Also...
  15. reefeel

    My 180gal Oceanic Let Loose

    My parents would kill me if this happend even though it wouldn't be my fault. This is one of the reasons I got a arcylic tank.
  16. reefeel

    Pecula Clown finally enters the Anemone

    One of my percula clowns finally decided to be the hostee of my sebae anemon
  17. reefeel

    have you been injured by your livestock?

    Yes koi love to be petted, I pet mine and hand feed them. Itried petting my eel before I put him in my tank he freaked and literaly flew from the net into my in tank filter-took 2 hours to catch him. I also pet my clowns when I feed them.
  18. reefeel

    AquaC Remora (Need to know ASAP)

    I also have 80 lbs of sand and 80lbs of live rock and catching fish-impossible-eel
  19. reefeel

    eel and snails

    Wow, I though my eel was getting fat he is 12in long and a 1/2 in wide. Eels-if I recall from a book-don't over eat. Arer you sure the snails didn't die and he "helped" cleanup?
  20. reefeel

    Post Snowflake Eel Pics Here!

    What do you feed it? I tried squid on mine an he ran away from it. I feed mine shrimp.