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  1. reefeel

    Does this sound fine?

    Chains and SFE won't normally kill a fish. Unless they are underfed. They are invert eaters. My dumb yellow tail damsel put his tail in my sfe mouth :notsure: the eel just kept his mouth open till he swam away.
  2. reefeel

    pinpoint pH monitor

    Its great I got one for Christmas. Although it is a little time consuming and patientence breaking first calibrating it. It also help tell me that I have a pH problem.
  3. reefeel

    cleaner shrimp with a sfe

    Depends on the eel. In your case a sfe and chainlink are invert eaters-take a look at their teeth; they are used for crushing exoskeletons. Now say you have a zebra moray it is a fish eater-I think- and he may not harm it because he eats fish. My lfs has a huge green moray and grouper together...
  4. reefeel

    Seahorse trouble in a show tank

    Putting seahorses and triggers together is like putting Gandhi and Freddy Kruger together.
  5. reefeel

    pH Still not right

    Ohh and I can never get my pH higher then 7.8 in my mixing tank but it manages to come up in the main tank.
  6. reefeel

    pH Still not right

    I checked my tap water to see if it is high there but it only reached 60ppm and I think that may be taken out by my deionizer. The first time this appeared is when I dosed too much kalkawasser in my water holding tank under my main tank to let water sit for a week. I later cleaned the entire...
  7. reefeel

    Reefeels tank after 5 months

    My favorite newest toy-my Aqua C remora
  8. reefeel

    Reefeels tank after 5 months

    Some of my new toys I got for Christmas
  9. reefeel

    Reefeels tank after 5 months

    My newest fish-Copperband Butterfly
  10. reefeel

    Reefeels tank after 5 months

    My bubble coral with my Niger Trigger.
  11. reefeel

    Reefeels tank after 5 months

    My Sebae Anemone and Colony polyps.
  12. reefeel

    Reefeels tank after 5 months

    My yellow polyps.
  13. reefeel

    Reefeels tank after 5 months

    Front of Tank
  14. reefeel

    Reefeels tank after 5 months

    Here is my tank after 5 months. Here is the link to my 3 month old pictures
  15. reefeel

    pH Still not right

    My sand is sopposed to have tons of calcium in it. My pH now has gone up a bit to 8.0 during the day and 7.9 at night.
  16. reefeel


    I normally keep mine at 78 but now that I added extra airation my temp. is only 76 so I have to get a bigger heater. Less heat lowers aggression and algae growth, my mine reason for doing so.
  17. reefeel

    pH Still not right

    My salt is Oceanic and my dosing schedule is once a week.
  18. reefeel

    My Humble Abode

    Your sun coral is so cool, I wish I could keep some but I'm sure something in my tank would think it is food. The only thing I don't like is the snake I have a snake phobia although I think eels are cool.:confused:
  19. reefeel

    pH Still not right

    My alkalinity is 120 and my calcium is at least 600 I got up to 30 drops and still no color change.