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  1. reefeel

    Anyoing Algae

    It sort od makes mats if I try to lift it a small mat of it comes with but easily falls apart.
  2. reefeel

    Anyoing Algae

    They weird thing is, is that at night it goes away-nassissarus snails but comes back by day. I use deionezed water. Tank is 5 months old.
  3. reefeel

    Anyoing Algae

    Its all the brown stuff, my sand is black and white.
  4. reefeel

    Reefeels tank after 5 months

    My poor copperband died, well he still is in the process but it won't be long. I tried everything to get him to eat. No wonder my lfs had him 1/2 off, they probably didn't feed it anything that it would eat. I've only had for almost 2 weeks.
  5. reefeel

    whats your dream tank?

    The ocean need I say more.
  6. reefeel

    Anyoing Algae

    What kind of algae is this? I clean my sand off everyday and I just changed the water.
  7. reefeel

    Baby Snpwflake eels.

    .They don't get lond very fast but they get fat. I have mine in my semi-reef he had his mouth open one time really far and for some reason my yellow-tailed damsel put his tail in the sfe's mouth:notsure: I actually wish he would have eaten him damsels are evil.
  8. reefeel

    Baby Snpwflake eels.

    I would have to say no. When eels first explore they get into everything they can squeez through. I think your friend should get some that are at least 3x that size especially in width so they can't squeez through smaller openings to escape.
  9. reefeel

    Cycle With A grouper

    Do you have any idea how big groupers get? My lfs has one that is 2 feet long in a 600 gallon. So the grouper may fit only for a year or two.
  10. reefeel

    howmuch money do you have in your systems?

    I think mine is pushing 2.5k.
  11. reefeel

    Eel over flows

    You don't have to worry about the overflow as much as long as it has water in it. I would seal any cracks an eel could get into. The eel may go down the overflow 1 or 2 times but I think they learn not to do that. Mine went into my in-tank filter and it took me 2 hours to get him out, but htis...
  12. reefeel

    Getting a Copperband to eat.

    Anyone have any other ideas?
  13. reefeel

    water changes???

    some more advice is to get the book, The Conscientious Marine Aquarist, by Robert Fenner. Ditto, I love this book. All of my other books don't have much info. on fish. This book has just about every kind of fish you can imagine and how to take care of them. It also gives a lot of info. on...
  14. reefeel

    New aggressive tank...

    I have a niger he is cool. He gets along with all my small fish and my eel, unless the trigger takes the eels food then watch out.
  15. reefeel

    snowflake eel

    No snowflakes don't normally eat fish unless underfed, they are invert eaters. They also are okay with emeralds I have all of mine still.
  16. reefeel

    Reefeels tank after 5 months

    He looks abit pale to me. He is a bit pale in the picture he is normally a skin color and is slowly getting darker. I bought it totally white-was bleached- but I have been feeding him shrimp and now he does fine and my percula clowns now play in him:joy: .
  17. reefeel

    Reefeels tank after 5 months

    What is that Sebae doing on the rocks? When he should be basking on the sandbed like a good little anemone. I only have compacts so I put him as close to the light as possible. I tried various rocks but he seems to love the spot he is in he has been there for 2 months. Hey, reefeel, what is...
  18. reefeel

    is it true???

    I would love that much coralline algae I can't seem to get mine to grow that much but its only been 5 months so.
  19. reefeel

    60 Gallon Question

    My niger is fine with my 2 yellow tailed damsels, a 4 line wrasse, and 2 percs. They all fight over food, although the trigger is a baby.
  20. reefeel

    New aggressive tank...

    Just wanted to make sure you know that the wolf eel is not a true eel but a long dottyback. So you don't have to worry about treating it with copper if it gets sick-true eels have no scales.