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  1. b0gart

    My Clown Gets around

    So I have a RBTA and an Oscelaris who isn't hosting it. After about a week being the impatient turd that I am I go to the store and get a pink skunk and a Haitian anenome that it is hosting. About 15 minutes after I get them into the tank the skunk is in the RBTA, 30 minutes after that the...
  2. b0gart

    Want Water Suppliment advice

    Would it be beneficial to add something like Coral-vite to my water? It says that it stimulates growth in anenomes and beneficial marine algae. What do you guys add?
  3. b0gart

    Decorating tips

    Thanks Agent 14, I really appreciate the compliment. The RBTA seems to be doing fine with the lighting. He looks to be gaining color back slowly and I am feeding him pretty often since the LFS wasn't feeding him AT ALL. They said he was "Filter Feeding", which is just code for "We are too...
  4. b0gart

    Decorating tips

    Thank You very much! Its definitely a work in progress, but other than making the return less conspicuous I am finally happy with the rock work, I am thinking that a black background will maky it less noticeable.
  5. b0gart

    Decorating tips

    It's 1 65w 10k and 1 65w actnic PC.
  6. b0gart

    overfeeding a RBTA

    You ever have trouble with shrimp stealing their food?
  7. b0gart

    Show me your blennies, peoples.

    awesome pic rbmount!
  8. b0gart

    Good Saturday mornin'...

    Cool, do you get everything via mailorder? I may be moving back to roswell to work in the family business from denver.
  9. b0gart

    Good Saturday mornin'...

    Where in NM are you?
  10. b0gart

    overfeeding a RBTA

    Can you overfeed a RTBA? I have read to feed them 2-3 times a week, but I asked the guy there where I bought him how often they feed them and he said we don't. I'm not very knowledgable, but isn't that animal abuse? BAck to my original question, will they overeat, or just not accept food if...
  11. b0gart

    Temperature issues

    I didn't see mention of a heater, is there one in the tank? Sounds freakishly hot for the ambient temp in your house. I had temp problems in mine for a while, but then I blew a fan across the top for a couple days, which although it caused evaporation it lowered my temp from 82 to 76, which...
  12. b0gart

    Show me your blennies, peoples.

    My Lawnmower Blenny
  13. b0gart

    Decorating tips

    40 lbs live rock 40 lbs live sand 1 lawnmower blenny 1 RBTA 1 Oscelaris Clown 1 yellow tang (going back to the store as the tank will be too small) 1 skunk cleaner shrimp 1 fire shrimp some astrea snails some hermits (blue and red legged)
  14. b0gart

    Decorating tips

    I've seen some of the tanks you guys have and they are just beautiful. I think I finally have my rock the way I want it, I don't really want to stack it up higher, but I would really like to hide the intake and the return from the filter. Any good ideas?
  15. b0gart

    Protein skimmers

    Any opinions about an Aquac Remora hang on as opposed to a Seaclone? Which one do you guys like better? The seaclone is half the price of the remora with the prefilter and the maxijet pump. It would be nice to save the cash, but not if it means getting a substandard skimmer.
  16. b0gart

    Feeding a RBTA

    What is the best way to feed a RBTA? Yesterday I took some prime reef, got it all soupy(is that a word?) put it in a needleless syringe and kinda dripped it on him. If you guys with good experience with them have suggestions for diet I am willing to do whatever it takes to make him happy and...
  17. b0gart


    It looked like they had it under no more than 65w of pc and it may have been just florescent. Although it isn't great, my lighting should be sufficient. I have done a bit of reading on BTAs and I have him under 1 65w atnic(sp?) and 1 65w 10k.
  18. b0gart


    I think it is a little faded, the light at the LFS was poo. I think he will do better here.
  19. b0gart

    Name that Marine animal...HELP!

    Isn't that what I have heard called a feather duster?
  20. b0gart


    I have 2 questions. I believe this is a RBTA. Am i correct? Does it look like a happy one? I acclimated it and put it in the tank a few hours ago, I thought they usually shrunk up when you put em in a new tank. Or is this like most other things in marine tank keeping where there are no absolutes...