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  1. saltn00b

    good beginner cigars.

    i also dont smoke cigarettes, but definitely love the occasionally stoag. you will quickly find out the difference between junk and the good stuff as you keep trying different brands. macanudos, romeos are light-medium bodied cigars and a good starting point. then maybe you should step into a...
  2. saltn00b

    Gorgonian; Photosynthetic vs. nonphotosynthetic

    here is a shot of mine. very slow grower, i am told it is photo, no idea of the name.
  3. saltn00b

    anyone own a retractable awning?

    ill take a pic
  4. saltn00b

    1st Timer ?s

    that post doesnt have anything conclusive in it. are the PH's brand new or used? did you touch the water and feel a buzz when they were turned on? PH's should not have that effect on fish. maybe scared at first, but they get over that real quick.
  5. saltn00b

    Building a Sump

    thanks, strange you could not see pics. here is the link to a bunch of tank pics from when i built it
  6. saltn00b

    Putting Faces to the Names

    ocean lover, whats up with the bad photochop of bora bora?
  7. saltn00b

    anyone own a retractable awning?

    well the bottom is what caused the tear in the first place, i dont know if yours has it or not, but mine , in the center , bottom side of the 'roll up bar ' is a plastic cupping piece or guide. the ends must have gotten a little slack and it ripped as i tightened it down on the cup. i am more...
  8. saltn00b

    anyone own a retractable awning?

    how about something like this?
  9. saltn00b

    anyone own a retractable awning?

    nice! do you have a favorite website for that sort of stuff?
  10. saltn00b

    anyone own a retractable awning?

    the cloth ones that roll out and back on folding arms? idk if it is a sunsetter or there are other brands.... anyway, mine got a tear in it, anyone know of a good fix? the tear is about 8-10"
  11. saltn00b

    Yellow tang and fairy wrasse question

    hopefully you did not just give his whole tank ick.
  12. saltn00b

    Blackcap Basslet Not Doing well HELP!

    post a pic asap.
  13. saltn00b

    Is it time to close the Aquarium ?

    the guap is just looking for trouble with a thread like this. just had to go and ruffle everyone's feathers all at once? was it too come around here?
  14. saltn00b


    i have three in my QT now but one has white specks on it, is it ick?
  15. saltn00b

    Yellow tang and fairy wrasse question

    fairy wrasse have a deecent immune system, but ich is now in your tank, you will have to hypo the fish and ran fallow for 6 weeks to get it out of your display. i lost almost an entire tank of fish this way.
  16. saltn00b

    Tank Update!! (1.5 yrs and counting...)

    man, everytime i come back to this thread, i say to myself "damn i want that yellow acro! post up a new pic of it, so i can tell you you are ready to frag it for me :-)
  17. saltn00b

    Compatibility ???'s

    the CBBf. maybe raccoon is more common in FO tanks, but most people i talk with on forums are reef heads. i didnt know you could not mix BFs, are your sure about that?
  18. saltn00b

    i need help!!!!

    huh? no it is not a zoanthid of any kind, that is an LPS, as in a type of closed brain coral. favia maybe? if you keep other corals, then there really still is nothing special needed for it. if not, list what lights you have, what type of flow you have, what your water params are....
  19. saltn00b

    could i be the grim reaper of fish?

    not sure of brands, i bult my last one. a lot of people make there own from basic tanks and gluing in dividers. take a look in the DiY section.
  20. saltn00b

    Compatibility ???'s

    actually i would get something other than a CBBF. they are sensitve and usually collected poorly with lots different problems. lots of people have them, raccoons have great personalities