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  1. saltn00b

    Smart Huma Huma

    that is cool, please get a video of that!
  2. saltn00b

    Compatibility ???'s

    seems to me they all will work. hopefully they arent tangs with attitudes and will accept new free swimming fish
  3. saltn00b

    could i be the grim reaper of fish?

    what kind of corals are you looking at getting into? most people progress slowly through the difficulties , as i recommend for you too. softies->lps->sps for a softy tank you should really have 15-25x i am thinking. biowheels are more fore FW applications but will work in small SW tanks. for a...
  4. saltn00b

    howdy y'all

    hey there, w/b. cant wait to see some of your photos again. no matter what subject!
  5. saltn00b

    Building a Sump

    i built a sump with fuge out of acrylic. the thread is in the DiY section called saltn00b's multi-phase upgrade thread. a few pages back or try to search it. lots of pics
  6. saltn00b

    ugh!! my gf bleached some sps, its gone right? story inside!

    +1 to what monk said. you need, to syphon off the visible ones for a week or so first.
  7. saltn00b

    New torch coral not doing well

    sometimes heads just dont handle the stresses well. i am willing to bet the others will remain perfectly fine, and you can just chalk it up to stresses of travel...
  8. saltn00b

    To my Motorcycle peeps - Wear your gear. I'm alive because I did

    well your first problem is that it was a honda.... haha jk had to say it. any tangman, glad you are ok, but i have to ask, if you were riding in NC why the hell were you not riding in Deal's Gap, tail of the dragon??! or the other great roads near there like cherahola skyway... that is...
  9. saltn00b

    could i be the grim reaper of fish?

    if the fish are swimming erratically, then you might have stray voltage. do you have a grounding probe?
  10. saltn00b

    could i be the grim reaper of fish?

    for a FOWLR or FO, inside the tank flow , after calculating head loss should be at the minimum 10x the tank's volume in turnover, spread throughout the tank so there are no dead spots. if you add corals it goes up from there. so a 55 would mean you want at least 550 GPH of flow. the more the...
  11. saltn00b

    New torch coral not doing well

    how did you get them? take home from a LFS? a shipment?
  12. saltn00b

    New torch coral not doing well

    was it dropped on those heads?
  13. saltn00b

    could i be the grim reaper of fish?

    jk - post pics of your set up maybe? do the fish swim erraticly? any fish alive?
  14. saltn00b

    could i be the grim reaper of fish?

    yes you could be.
  15. saltn00b

    New torch coral not doing well

    the tank wont crash if the coral heads melt. do you have any clean up crew? shrimp usually pick dying coral heads clean
  16. saltn00b

    Dying zoa's, question

    you might have answered this, but have you caught any critters on it? at night with a red-tinted flashlight, well after lights out?
  17. saltn00b

    How to attach mushrooms?

    you can just snip it off with scissors. the remaining flesh should grow into a new shroom.
  18. saltn00b

    Quality of various feeding shrimp?

    they are basically types of zoo plankton. brine is like popcorn for fish, fun to eat, tasty treat, minimal nutritional value. sometimes it is sold infused with spirulina which makes it better. mysid i believe actually is a shrimp, or at least never heard otherwise. they look like shrimp...
  19. saltn00b

    How to attach mushrooms?

    cfr, you used crazy glue on shrooms?
  20. saltn00b

    Yellow tang and fairy wrasse question

    a chased wrasse can get stressed and succumb to ick, if the bug is in the water / on the fish.